And, please take into account the following ST platform issues:
And, please take into account the following ST platform issues:
Hi, after some further testing, I sent out an email to all my MyNextDevices contributors about a fix that I just made related to your issue.
I found out that, in some cases, the _state suffix attributes (ex. alarmState, NestAlarmState) in MyNextDevices were not reported correctly in SmartThings.
I created some new versions (v2.1.3) to fix this issue.
The new versions can be downloaded at my store, using the same sellfy download link that was sent to you when you made your contribution.
Thnx for the feedback.
I’ve implemented the new 2.1.9b version. The frequency of the notification of the relogin() action had dropped, it is still occurring around every 6 hours, at least over the last 24.
Hi @jeffchristoffer, if you don’t want any notifications, you just need to say ‘no’ to the following option in otherSettings(last page of MyNextManagerV2).:
P.S. I also changed some tracing level in getStructures() in v2.1.9 of MyNextManagerV2 to avoid any notifications send commands. You can download it at my store.
Thanks for the update. I wont be able to test the smoke event until later this weekend.
After months without Nest integration in my ST thanks to Google dropping support of the Nest API, I’ve been able to add my smoke detectors back into my environment. I use the Nest Protects as part of my Smart Home Monitor, so the integration was sorely missed.
As indicated above in a previous post, you need to be aware that the Protect’s status update is dependent on your polling interval.
By default, it’s every 10 minutes in MyNextManagerV2.
If you want a shorter interval, you need to change the polling interval in the service manager smartapp.
Of course, this is not real time polling, but it can be shortened to 1 minute ( you may also want to change the cache settings accordingly in the 1st page).
A quick question. I purchased MyNext(the scheduler and the thermostat) for my nest with SmartThings. Installed and running properly. Just a quick question. For air conditioning(for example), how far above the set point does the temp sensor have to get before it will kick in the air conditioning. Is that a setting that I am supposed to affect? Just trying to decide which method of determining temperature from my sensors that I want to use. High, average, median, etc. Thank you
Hi @Nicholas_Hillman1, I’m glad that everything is working for you with MyNextTstat under your ST account.
I’m trying to understand your question. Do you mean a setting within the Nest Tstat unit or with SmartThings?
I believe your question is related to the Nest Tstat Unit. If so, please refer to
Not quite. I’m using MyNext for scheduling. That’s all good. There is a choice in there to add temperatures sensors in the rooms. Does mynext not use those at all to decide when to fire up the airconditioning? Or will that temperature always be determined by the temperature at the thermostat? I used to use NST manager and it took those sensors I that I choose(pretty sure. It’s been a while) to determine when to turn on the airconditioning or heating.
If you mean by the scheduler, ScheduleTstatZones, then you can use different types of calculations to adjust your thermostat’s setpoint:
If you want that your sensor in cool mode affects the most your tstat’s coolingSetpoint, then the Max calculation (in GeneralSetup) is the settings that I’d recommend (or Heat-Min/Cool-Max if your HVAC also supports heating setpoints).
Please refer to this documented use case for how to set up the smartapp. The smartapp is based on the concepts of rooms/zones/schedules. You associate some motion/contact/temp sensors to a room; 1 to many rooms to a zone; 1 to many zones can be scheduled at given day & time.
Yes, that’s what I’m talking about. I am using max. What my question was attempting to ask, was, if the max temp from the sensor hits(say 70) and I have my cool set point at 69(so, 1 degree over setpoint) will the airconditioning come on, or is it 2 degrees over setpoint that will cause the airconditioning to come on? Is there a setting that decides how much leeway before the airconditioning would come on.
No, first, ScheduleTstatZones is a zoning smartapp, so it may work differently from what you’re used to.
The calculations are explained at the wiki. The smartapp has been designed to work with many sensors (not only one), but in your case, because you take the Max, it doesn’t matter.
It will take the max temp in your active zones, and compare it to the ambient temp at the tstat unit.
It will subtract the 2 values (Max temp collected from your scheduled & active rooms minus the ambient temp at the unit), and depending if your room is hotter or cooler than the ambient temperature at the tstat unit, it will apply a positive or negative delta to compensate for the far away hotter or cooler room.
The calculations are described at the wiki under supported features (based on the average temp calculation method, but you can figure out for the max as it’s the same approach).
The only settings you can change are the max temp adjustment allowed for each schedule and the calculation method as explained above.
Let’s say that the max temp sensor collected in your active zones is 78F, and the tstat’s ambient temperature is 70F, so there is a +8F delta between your hottest room and the ambient temp at the tstat unit.
By default, the max temp adjustment allowed is 5F (for any schedule), so in this case, -5F instead of -8F will be applied against the baseline cooling setpoint for your tstat. You can change the max temp adjustment 's value to 8F if you prefer.
If the baseline coolingSetpoint is 72F for your schedule, the new adjusted setpoint will be 72F - 5F= 67F as the smartapp tries to compensate for the far away & hotter room at 78F. In this case, it will lower the coolingSetpoint as the far away room is way hotter than the ambient temp at the tstat unit.
If there is only a 1F delta between the 2 values (max temp - ambient temp at the tstat unit), the smartapp will not try to adjust the thermostat’s setpoint as the delta is not significant.
In brief, there needs to be at least 2F difference between the 2 values.
Thank you so much! I enjoy having my Nest back in the land of SmartThings. Take care!
I’m so happy right now! I got Nest working with Smarthings Again!
I have a small issue using NestChangeMode app. For some reason, I can’t select a thermostat. I have MyNestTstatV2 installed. Any ideas?
Hi, just grab v1.1 at my github, made some changes for MyNextTstatV2.
Awesome! That worked! Thanks for the quick update.
If you have lost your auth tokens from Nest and/or migrated to a Google Account, and your ST-Nest integration is not working anymore, then the new versions of MyNextManager (V2.1.9, MyNextTstatV2 (v2.1.4), MyNextAlarmV2 (v2.1.4) and MyNextSensorV2 (v2.1.4 ) may be for you.
You can now download the new major version at my store:
_MyNextManagerV2 (service manager for My Next devices) now uses the Nest Web APis (not the “official” APIs as they have ended since August 31, 2019). The Web APIs don’t have the strict rate limiting as the old APIs and they are as reponsive as the native Nest application.
_ MyNextTstatV2 now natively supports the following commands:
setHotWaterBoost: in the device UI and as a command for WebCore users. This is useful for Nest users in Europe.
setTargetHumidity: to set a target humidity level.
For the full list of attributes, capabilities & commands supported,refer to the ST community wiki:
Hi yvesracine,
Quick question for you.
If I just want to control my Nest in SmartThings, and I have already migrated my Nest account to Google, which of your releases do I want? I show your store has quite a few options.
Is it just the MyNext Tstat for SmartThings ()
Or is it:
My Next Devices for SmartThings ()