Newbi help needed moving Fibaro devices to SmartThings

So I got my new SmartThings hub v3 delivered and installed, that was easy.

I have a Fibaro HC-2 but want to move everything to the SmartThings Hub. Will be a project that takes some time as I have around 100 Z-Wave devices (all Fibaro devices)

But I am a bit confuced.

Started out in the new SmartThing App.
Added a Fibaro Door sensor and a Fibaro Motion sensor, all went fine and works as expected.

The I added a Light Switch (FGS-212) it was found on the ST hub and there devices was added, but none of the are doing anything. Pressing them in the app gives no result what so ever. Pressing on the motion sensor takes me into a new screen and I can see some data.

Was about to give up in SmartThings and send the unit back.

But then Launched the old app, there I can push on one of the light switch devices and I get a different screen where I can turn on and off the light.

Then found a lot information here in the Forum, things like Device Handlers. Managed to download a DHT for the FGS-212, install it and change the type on the installed device. Can then change settings on the light switch device (switch between Toggel or Momentary mode) in the old App. But it is still not working in the new App.

Why are my light switch not working in the old app?

The new app doesn’t support custom handlers yet. You can try setting your configurations settings with the custom handler in the classic app. Then switch it to a standard handler like “zwave switch generic” so it works in both apps.

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Thank you, that worked just perfect


Hi there
I use a lot of Fibaro Single/Double switches here.
Has anyone added the necessary configuration settings in erocm123’s excellent Device Handlers?

Anyone meaning SmartThings? Doubt it. Their handlers are made to work with many different devices.