I work from home doing customer service. I would like to integrate your mesh Wi-Fi into my current system.
I currently use and Motorola bgw210 - 700 modem / router. I would like to continue to use this equipment because it has multiple ethernet ports. I also have AT&t internet provider with their high speed 1000 . Furthermore, all of my entertainment devices are currently connected to Logitech Harmony hub and Amazon Alexa. Because I am disabled person, I also want to use a lot of smart devices in my home. Our current service already shows up to 25 things day connected to the Wi-Fi. Our home is no more than 2000 square feet.
With this knowledge, can you tell me what the best work from home setup would be for my home. I was looking at the Samsung mesh Network. While at the same time understanding that I would like to make the whole entire house smart. I don’t mind utilizing the three pack if that would be sufficient for needs. However I can go with the pro if necessary. Also at some point I will be relocating to a one to two bedroom apartments in the future. The smarter the home the better for me I think as a disabled person. If I did get three packs I would like to put them on opposite ends of the home with the main Samsung device connected to my AT&t device via ethernet cable. Also, what if any additional equipment well I need to make this happen? I’ve never really been good at setting up but once I learn how to operate within the system, I do well. Please provide me your recommendations on which products to buy and if any additional accessories are needed. If there was any way you could explain how to set this up as well I would appreciate it? I’m trying to be very these home so you have all the information you need. I want the system to be able to go with me. I was also thinking one home pro + two of the other home device? I will follow these instructions to the letter, so any detail, configuration, or recommendation will be utilized. I had a very bad experience with Logitech Harmony oh, and I don’t want to repeat it. I’m hoping I can tell everyone that Samsung is the way to go. Thank you for your help in advance.
Welcome! This forum was set up for peer support several years ago so customers can help other customers. Just so you know it’s not an official support channel, so you’re just going to be getting ideas and advice from other customers based on their own experiences.
Can I ask first what your specific goal is in adding the smartthings Wi-Fi mesh to your current system? I’m a little confused about what you’re hoping to accomplish. I don’t myself know very much about the Wi-Fi mesh system, but my understanding is not very many people use it in “bridge“ mode where you have another Wi-Fi router as well. It’s usually selected because the home has Wi-Fi dead spots.
Also, the majority of people using a smartthings hub choose home automation devices which are not using Wi-Fi at all. Instead they are typically using either zigbee or Z wave devices. Or both. They will probably have a few Wi-Fi devices, particularly those that transmit audio or video, but for things like sensors and light switches they will be using a different protocol. But again, it depends on the specific details of what you were trying to accomplish.
Finally, do you mind telling us what category of disability challenges you face? Vision, hearing, cognitive, use of your hands, mobility, anxiety? There are people in all of these categories who find home automation very helpful, but it will be helpful in different ways and using different devices. (I myself am quadriparetic and use a power wheelchair.)
Thank you for the quick response. You’re probably right I could have took more information. I should start first by saying I had a very rocky stat when learning the ropes that can exist when utilizing a Logitech Harmony hub, and I did not want to have that experience with Samsung. This will be my first Samsung hub. I want you to come here for deas and ways in which to best utilize the equipment. Using the device as a bridge was only my first thought, but it was never concrete. I should always give this back to AT&t and request a modem only.
There are a lot of people in my home simply because well. We help a lot of people out and through hard times. I am quick to learn things, but I am not so technical oriented to know exactly what the best auctions would be for me.
I do like the idea of having 1 device specifically for my work and my room. As a musically challenged person, smart home technology has become a real asset. I have mild cerebral palsy and it affects my coordination and muscular abilities. Being able to tell Alexa to take care of things has saved me more than once. On a normal day I just wobble when I walk, but to be able to watch my room wake up on its own and throughout my entire work system has been a blessing.
Because there is a lot of foot traffic in my home, I do want to use SmartThings for the Z-Wave and zigbee technology to better secure my home and his property. I also like the idea of being able to know when people are entering and exiting if I am nowhere near the door. It is my hope to slowly unclog my Wi-Fi so to speak. I do know that some of my my lights and such would need to be replaced. this is something I plan to do overtime. From what I understand if I made these replacements it might help to prevent or even improve mywifi strength.
I am only the beginning why efforts to create a smart home. Everything that I’m doing now will only makes things easier easier when it is just me and one other person… I wanted to start asking questions now so that I started off on the right foot. This would help me have a better experience then I had previously.
I do customer service work for a major online retailer at home. When I first arrived here, I’ve begun having issues with drop signal and such. Through trial and error I have learned her how to correct various mistakes but I’m still not knowledgeable enough to know the best-case scenarios. For instance, if there was a way for me to create my own network within the home while everyone else was on another that would be best. I also am aware that the Samsung router / hub does not offer vast ethernet ports. I would like to find a way to take the three pack and hardwire each device on opposite corners of the home just to ensure a the best Wi-Fi possible. If anyone has any recommendations as to any accessories I may need to purchase to accomplish this. Please let me know. I usually can do some digging myself and find out oh, but I thought I would come to this forum and got some different viewpoints that have been at all of this a little longer then I. I utilized Samsung support. All they gave me was information on the connect home 3 pack with no regard as to the variables therein. Basically the smarter the home the better for me. I would like to utilize the Wi-Fi only when necessary and utilize the other technology instead. I would also like to have dedicated access just for myself while allowing remaining technology to be used by the rest of the home. I wasn’t even sure which option would be best for me I hooked up the three pack connect home or I could get one pro and the connect home. I just wanted to utilize resources before getting in over my head. Everything I could do to secure the home and secure our internet access while controlling the way it is used would be beneficial. That is why all the details and specs as to our current usage or mentioned in the previous post. It’s like doing a big math problem, and I wasn’t very good at math. My nightmare would be to get the networks here and not have the necessary accessories, and know how to utilizing to the best of my ability. Anyting this form could teach me to bring my house closer to smart Paradise would be helpful. FYI please excuse any typos as I text to speak.