Hello everyone
I posted here in 2018 saying I wanted a large setup for my home using Smartthings. I had quite a bit of feedback, and I have to say I was a little discouraged. Truth is I was on Zipato already - I have a cluster made of one main controller and two (sub-) controllers, and I always tought one day I’d get it to work well. I have had it with Zipato now - their controllers hang, rules stop working for no reason anyone can give me - or run multiple times, and Zipato support are not very responsive, plus not much help from the community either. I don’t want to get a professional company to set up a home automation system for me - that’d be super costly and would involve cabling, so I want to stick with Z-Wave and possibly Zigbee devices…
So basically I am back to square one - this setup with ZIpato, I am sure will never work. So I plan to transition slowly over to Smartthings, a few devices at a time, and see what happens as I add more devices. I have a lot of devices
So I need to ask you guys a couple of questions, would be super glad if anyone can help:
a) Is there a central location where one can find all the latest custom device handlers? I tried looking this up and found a lot of device handlers in the topics. But it’s not structured and takes more effort trying to find the latest stable version of anything.
b) I have a lot of devices already. The Zipato ones I am inclined to do away with, as I lost trust in them. But I have others that work decently (to some extent): Qubino, Fibaro, MCO Hime… E.g. I have a number of Qubino Flush Shutter devices (AC)… To use this as an example, how do I find the latest custom device handler (since the Qubino site indicates you need one)? I found the links for 2 device handlers on the Qubino site, but they are pretty dated, and I am not sure they will function with my version of Samsung Smartthings ( SmartThings Hub (V3)) and the new app, since the Classic seems not to work any longer. So where do I start and how can I be sure I have the latest device handler for this device please?
Many thanks in advance.