thx @jkp
well, I didn’t know that.
but what is the difference between these 2 functions ?
and what is the difference in groovy code for these 2 functions ?
because I have other custom apps that use push notifications and I don’t see an option to store messages in them. I also have my own simple apps that use push notification.
I would like to make the change in groovy code so that all my apps can send push notification.
I’m just uninstalling now and trying other things.
this is not about Webcore or Core or any specific smart app.
ALL of my smart apps fail to send any push notification to the app.
That is indeed the way webCoRE differentiates between sending push notifications and also ‘storing them to messages’. To just ‘send a notification’ it uses sendNotificationEvent(). Notify Me When uses sendNotification(), letting it default to also sending the notification event (the same thing as storing as a message).
It seems like the new app is only working with notification events, and has no interest in the legacy push notifications.
Something you might like to try, but equally might be a pointless suggestion, is to look at your notifications via the REST API. In Curl command line speak it is:
I also tried with the curl command you suggested. It returns only last 4 notifications and they are all “hub disconnected” and “hub connected”
no other notifications.
I’m going crazy. What happens to my notifications ?
Btw, you confirmed my post about sendPush() but then you said sendNotification()
which one is correct ?
Interesting. I was kind of hoping we’d see all the notifications there and be able to point a finger at the app. Not knowing the architecture I am not sure what it means though.
Is it just notifications from legacy apps that aren’t appearing?
webCoRE uses sendPush() and sendPushMessage() for sending push notifications, and sendSms() and sendSmsMessage() for SMS, the second form being used when the ‘Store in Messages’ option is selected. It also has a ‘send a notification’ command which just uses sendNotificationEvent() (which is like the ‘store in message’ without either push or SMS).
The sendNotification() method is used by the Notify Me When app to send either push notifications or SMS messages or both. It always sends notification events, but they can be turned off when the method is used elsewhere.