Just curious. I purchased 2 Camelot Touchscreen Deadbolts by Schlage at Lowe’s this week. I couldn’t get either of them to pair. I contacted ST support and spoke with a nice Support Engineer named Dominic. He told me that my model numbers were new and that ST did not support them as of yet. Question is, does anyone have insight as to when ST will support them or can someone help me with a workaround?
Model Number I have is BE479AA V CAM
Model Number ST currently supports is BE469NX
BE479 is for Apple’s Homekit. I have the BE469 and that works BUT Schlage has not updated them to the Zwave Plus chips and they are a bit tricky to include them (you have to have the hub within a few inches to include them) and slow to respond to the network commands. Yale makes some locks that are combination Z-Wave Plus / Bluetooth (see http://products.z-wavealliance.org/regions/2/categories/6/products) and they may be a bit better to work with, but not sure if these are available yet. Unless you want to use your BE479s on Apple’s Homekit, you might consider waiting a bit for the new Yale locks or try something else.
That’s the correct model. Like the other person above, if you don’t need the lock now, wait for the Yale Z-Wave Plus lock that was just certified last month.
Hi All, I got schlage Camelot Touchscreen from a friend who purchase it on Target clearance sometime last year. He has it unopened. The Model # is BE469WK. On the box it says needs Wink Hub. I saw a similiar model in lowes which has a model # BE469IR. This lowes model is supported using the IRIS hub.
I would like to know if the BE469WK model work with ST ? I’m attaching the screenshot of the item.
As far as I know, any Schlage BE469 with a Zwave module should work the same way with SmartThings. The “works with Iris” and “works with Wink” versions as well. The suffix just indicates what’s on the outside box.