Similar behavior to above, but success on some SmartThings Locations; While Colors missing from some Locations; and One Location acting exactly as above.
Woke up this morning to SmartThings Android Updated to v1.8.13.22
Four Locations (separate hubs & locations); All with pre-existing Map Views; All with separate colors chosen for each room:
- 1 of 4 Hub v52.11 has the Original Colors that I selected
- 2 of 4 Hub v52.11 and Hub v51.02 have Black & White in all rooms
- 1 of 4 Hub v52.11 didn’t seem to want to load: Spinning Circle “Opening Map View”; Then view was off-center and Black & White.
Steps without success to date to get 1 to load
- Power-cycled phone: “Opening Map View” just spins
- Waited 4.5 minutes for it to finally load; App is frozen (can’t back out); Had to force close SmartThings App
- When it loaded, it was Black & White; Devices were not displaying; Could not see entire layout (as other users have posted prior to this)
- Exited; Loaded again; Waited 4.5 minutes; Loaded but still off-center; App is frozen (can’t back out); Had to force close SmartThings App
- Cleared SmartThings App Cache
- Did not clear data but Thanks @Declankh for your test clearing data
- Cleared SmartThings Framework Cache