New Hue delay

Nope, not with this change. The change was for the Hue Connect SmartApp only and shouldn’t have any bearing on performance for other devices. If there was another deployment related to this recently, I’m not aware of it. Latency numbers on the cloud right now do look good right now (similar for the past 24 hours).


@posborne massive improvement but still not working as great as before the hub update. If a device flags as “unreachable” it still fully works in the hue app (it just cannot confirm state) but in smartthings the command just does not get sent to the bulb. So I have to revert to the hue app (not good). Could the control commands be still sent regardless of state?

This happened a while ago, not with last update (8/15/16 to be more precise). And I cannot blame ST for it. Blame hue, or better, blame GE. Or you can do like I did and replace your crappy ge bulbs with hue whites. They are cheap and reachable…


Somehow i wasn’t really impacted until now. I had osrams mixed with hue. Roughly 50:50. Seems my unreachable states is random and can often be hue bulbs too.

What’s frustrating is that they function perfectly fine with the official hue app and any other app on the market connected to hue despite the “unreachable” state. So how can I blame Philips when it’s only smartthings which doesn’t work?

They don’t work with Hue either. Try automating them in hue (schedules) the unreachable don’t respond :frowning:

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i find no problem controlling my bulbs when they flag as unreachable in the hue app. According to hue it just means it does not get a response in a timely fashion in regards to it’s state. It nevertheless sends commands and all my bulbs respond without issue via the native app.
You have given me a good tip there though! I’ll schedule an extra schedule to shut down all lights in the hue schedules to prevent missed lights staying on overnight! :thumbsup:


I just got an update to the Hue Hub tonight… Applied it an ST is fast again! All automation restored and normal response. I have GE bulbs and they are working as well :slight_smile: FYI I’m on Gen 1 of Hue hub and Gen 1 of ST…

Spoke to soon… back to delay and many automations not working. Grrrr.

Same issue here. It’s been great up until two days ago.

Everything is fine here again - THANK GOD! :slight_smile:

Hue Bridge V2

Well, all the correct light turned on again this morning and I was pretty excited. But then I tried controlling the individual lights and still got dramatic lag. Hopefully they have more fixes in the works.

The status still says they are working on it, so hopefully there is more to come. But at least the correct # of lights turned on and at the right levels and colors. that’s some improvement for sure.

Hi Cael, can you confirm that you are using the standard published SmartApp and not a custom one that you installed in the IDE? Also, is this both when controlling the lights via SmartThings as well as through the hue app. Finally, can you confirm the version of the Hue bridge firmware.

Up until yesterday afternoon I, too, had been noticing the lag controlling hue bulbs through ST. As of yesterday after the hot fix, it’s even worse. To the point that several of my hue blooms didn’t turn on last night, one of my GE Links (connected to the hue hub) didn’t turn off last night, and my master bedroom lamp didn’t turn on this morning. I tried power-cycling both hubs. We’ll see if that helps.

Yes, just the basic app.

Yes, using Hue as well as ST.

Philips hue
Firmware version: 01033978


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Any bulbs which appear as “unreachable” in hue app will not be sent commands by ST for some reason. You may find like myself you can continue to control via the native hue app or any other app just not via "Smart"things. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I do see bulbs in the hue app tagged as “unreachable”. Why, though? Any ideas about the cause or the cure?

This is just an indication from the hue bridge that it did not receive a status update from the bulb in a timely manner. For some reason smartthings is interpreting this as the bulb not being available and does not send an instruction any more. This happened during the August firmware update.
If you try the hue app or any other hue compatible app you will very likely notice they continue to work. This is not related the OP regarding delays.

So, what, switch things around so that all of the hue-connected bulbs are controlled by the hue hub & scenes, and use ST to trigger those? So much for an integrated solution. :angry:

Nope I would personally not recommend connecting any zigbee bulbs into smartthings. Breaks the mesh badly!
Sorry but smartthings have made a lot of smart bulbs useless with their latest changes.

I’m up and running again ST guys. Thanks for the fix! :smile: