New Hub - Trying to Set Up - No Luck at All

Just got a new hub - tried setting it up - it went into blinking blue then a solid blue.

I connected it directly to the router, restarted - same thing.

I hard reset it, it goes to blinking blue, then solid blue then solid green then solid blue … you get the point. I made sure the ports 11111, 443, and 39500 are open

I just can’t get it to go to set up mode.

I just clicked reset when the power was plugged in and it went into a blinking yellow/red type mode, the app then recognizes it and starts but the minute it has to configure (48%) it says - your hub has not been reset.

Anyone have any ideas? Do I have a defective unit?

Which hub? Did you try rebooting your router?

SmartThings Hub v3.

yes rebooting, hard resetting

Did you read this support article?

yes I have . I also had one before that set up no problem. Anyway - I think I’ll return it.

Thank you though.