New app doesnt support custom smartapp push notifications?

Just some updates - pointed support to this thread, and they are effectively saying they cannot support smartapps and recommend I create custom automations to be triggered by smartapps to send the push messages. While I could probably make that work, I’d lose the dynamic text coming from LUM/Alerts, etc…

I tried from webcore as well - using all permutations of send notification, send push notification, send SMS, with/without “store in messages”. Only thing I can get to come across are the SMS.

Edit: So I was able to get classic app reinstalled and logged in. Initially if I try to login to existing account, it advises “available countries could not be fetched”. If I say new to smartthings, it lets me provide credentials and logs in. When logged in, all the smartapp notifications generate as expected to classic, but still nothing to new app. No idea if that countries could not be fetched message is indicative of anything.

Working for me and no, we didn’t wash a bunch of clothes and did not dry them…The counter is reset every Saturday at midnight. :+1:t5:

Thanks - !

Frustrating…Just another sample below to validate new app notification permissions are configured to allow ( generated by automation), followed by webcore action generating notifications that only delivered to classic app. I know contact book notifications are deprecated, but looks to have defaulted to general push as expected.

While smartapps are visible in both classic and new app, do I need to do anything to “de-register” from classic and assign to new app"? Wouldn’t the expected behavior be for these messages to be sent to both apps? I did not go through the automated app migration due to negative experience reports.


Any progress on this?

I’m having the same issue, everything appears to be configured fine in my pistons ("store in messages’), I get other notifications in the new app (from native automations for example), the classic app notifications work fine, nothing through to the new one. I’ve tried so many variations, uninstalled/reinstalled the app, etc… Same issue on my wife’s phone as well.

I’m getting worried the classic app will soon stop working and I’ll lose my notifications.

Two things to check…

  1. the phone allows permissions for notifications from the app
  2. notifications are enabled in the new ST app > menu > settings > notifications

Also, look in menu > messages to see if they show there.

Yeah, got all those permissions set - other native ST notifications from the new app work.

And none of the piston notifications that are set to “store in messages” actually show in messages in the new app.

Post an image of your piston

This is just a test piston that I’m manually running with the “test” button.

The notification comes through on the old app, but not the new.

Hmmm a mystery…

Post on the webcore forum and see if anyone has any ideas.

Thanks yup, definite mystery… :confused:

What phone and OS do both of you use?

Pixel 3, Android 11 (had the problem on Android 10 as well), both on the same phone/and Android version.

Just checking… all 4 webcore Smartapps are installed in IDE and published? And webCoRE is up-to-date?

no updates from my original posting. Same issue still present, SMS being used for now.

Native new app automations and devices can send notifications (which validates app notification permissions). These notifications ARE are logged in “messages”.
Smartapps (rboy and webcore) can send SMS, but any push notifications are sent only to old app. Not present in new app “messages”.

Sounds like the same issue as me - although I’m based in Europe and SMS is not an option. :confused:

@jkp - Yup I have over 90 pistons purring along just fine, all four are published, and up-to-date (Github integration is turned, on so I’m assuming I would notice this in the IDE).