I’m having a debate with a colleague at work as to weather a nest thermostat can be used as a hub in the way that the smartthings hub is used. Im thinking it can not but having a hard time proving that with the list of “works with nest” compatible devices. Could you please hell here? Both my colleague and I both agree that a true smart home needs to require very little input from the users of the home and the home should largely function as an intuitive system that reacts on its own with little to no intervention of the user once it’s up and running.
Besides Wi-Fi, Nest has a built-in 802.15.4 radio, which is the same low-level protocol used by Zigbee, although instead of Zigbee, Nest uses proprietary Weave protocol. So theoretically Nest could act as a hub if they decide to support Zigbee HA profile, but as far as I know that’s not in the cards.
Isn’t that pretty much the route Wink went ? Their hardware sucked, so they just went forward with the app that integrates everybody else’s hardware into one interface and no hub.
The Problem with Nest Is that they use Thread as there main short distance communication protocol over Zigbee and Zwave. There is currently very little documentation and examples of thread based products. The reason they use this is that Google owns Nest and Google is the main stake holder in the Thread protocol. I am sure over time as google pours money into Thread and more Thread enabled chips become available this will become a much greater hub option.But for now SmartThings is the much more accessible platform.
Another issue is that Nest is much stricter for example you can only keep data gathered through nest API’s for 10 days. SmartThings has no limit.