Well, I would like to know if any one of you work with Neo CoolCam devicesintegrated into SmartThings Hub? In fact, I have browsed the smartthings official web site --> “Work with Smartthings” section and found that under the brand “Neo Coolcam” was listed as supported following devices.
Neo Coolcam Door Windows Sensor and supported model “Model
Number: NAS-DS02ZU” with Z-wave
Neo Coolcam Z-Wave Siren and supported model “Model Number: NAS-
AB02ZU” with Z-wave
Any one is having idea following Z-wave devices could integrate or support to SmartThings Hub?
Thanks for the reply. Is that the slimier model of “(NAS-WR03Z(868.42MHz) UK standard smart plug)” or do you use different model? Could you please share the model number if possible?
I am happy to inform you that below NEO CoolCam Devices I have tested today. Working and compatible with SmartThings Hub 3. This is really great news and I would like to share with you guys.
NAS-DS01Z, (868.42MHz) Door/Contact Sensor
NAS-PD03Z, (868.42MHz) 3 in 1 sensor(Motion, light and temperature sensor)
NAS-WS03Z, (868.42MHz) Water leakage sensor
NAS-AB03Z, (868.42MHz) Siren alarm
NAS-WR03Z, (868.42MHz) UK standard smart plug
NAS-SC01Z-1, (868.42MHz) 1 gang intelligent light switch
NAS-SC01Z-2, (868.42MHz) 2 gangs intelligent light switch
Hi guys, do you have any Device Handler for this device " NAS-SC01Z-3(868.42MHz)3 gangs intelligent light switch(S2)"?, What about the Device Handlers for American frecuencies?
I have bought 2 coolcam cams to test if they work with smartthings. I am using the zwave sdk for android. In my tests, the cams worked perfectly on both a Samsung Galaxy S7 and iPhone 6S. So I was really surprised, when it did not work at all… Not sure what’s going wrong… Maybe someone else having the same issue.
So I have some questions for you guys now:
Is it possible to use the coolcam cams with smartthings?
What version of the Zwave sdk should you use?
How do I install it correctly? Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
NAS-PD07Z (868.42MHz) 5 in 1 sensor works with Z-Wave Drivers - philh30 (Channel), Z-Wave Sensor PH (Driver)
NAS-PD03Z, (868.42MHz) 3 in 1 sensor (Motion, light and temperature sensor) works with Mariano Shared Beta Driver (Channel), Z-Wave Sensor and Child Thermostat Mc (Driver)
NAS-SC01Z-1, (868.42MHz) 1 gang intelligent light switch works with Mariano Shared Beta Driver (Channel), Z-Wave Switch Mc (Driver)
NAS-SC01Z-2, (868.42MHz) 2 gangs intelligent light switch works with Smartthings Drivers (Beta) (Channel), Z-Wave Switch (Driver)