I need the communitys help trying to figure out what light sensor to go for in my ST setup here in Ireland. The ST UK site only lists about 3 that I could discern:
Aeotec Trisensor (~£45 on Amazon)
Aeotec Multisensor 6 (~£80 on Amazon)
Neo Coolcam (~£35 on Amazon)
The reviews on Amazon for all 3 vary from average to poor so I’m throwing this out to you folks, what can people recommend as a good light sensor? Please bear in mind I’m not going add another hub which, unless I’m mistaken, eliminates the Philips Hue options.
Amazon ratings rarely go above 3 for most Zwave and Zigbee devices because there are so many people who just don’t understand what they are buying. Vesternet ratings generally represent a more informed audience.
The Aeotec devices are generally good and work well with smartthings.
@JDRoberts they’re for indoor only. I was more concerned about the comments in the reviews, specifically around issues with the lux reading capabilities but I will definitely check out that Vesternet site!
@johnconstantelo this look ideal! These are so cheap I’ll definitely order one and give it a go. Thanks so much!
Thanks @JDRoberts, I might have a look at that as an option. £49 is very pricey but I dont really have a need yet for outside. 3 more of the Xiaomis are en route so I have a task to get those installed first.