I have a GE Plug-in wireless dimmer that is working fine with the system, however, I thought I read something about being able to set up the dimmer so physically turning the lamp on with the regular switch works. Right now, I can obviously turn off the light but when I turn the switch on, it won’t turn on. I used to use X-10, where I could turn the lamp switch on several revolutions and it would turn on the light.
I would appreciate any help setting up the dimmer so my SmartThings software will turn it on and off and the light switch will do the same without having to push the button on the dimmer switch which is behind a couch.
That’s called “load sensing.” You didn’t say which model number you have, though.
Assuming it’s the GE 12718, it’s capable of loadsensing, but the default is to have it off because it does tend to confuse people. To turn loadsensing on, you have to change the parameter 29 to the value 1.
I don’t think this is available through the stock device type handler, but you can use a custom device type handler one time to set this parameter and then go back to using the stock handler if you want.
I do have part 12718. I am new to z-wave. I am unfamiliar with the terms “stock device type handler” and “custom device type handler”. I assume that the stock handlers are inherent in the mobile app, and that someone else had developed custom ones through programming that will allow the change. Parameter values are new to me too. I would assume that there is some type of “macro” or routine that can somehow be loaded into the dimmer switch through some type of software interface.
I am sure in time I will understand all this, but right now, I need a crash course in how to do what you describe. One of the very interesting and powerful aspects of z-wave is to create custom scripts to make the devices do customized things, I just have not had the time to get up to speed on understand all that.
Any condensed instructions on how to set parameter 29 to 1 would be greatly appreciated.
“Device type handler” is a SmartThings term. Sorry I forgot to give you the custom code FAQ in my first post, my bad. This Will explain the overall concept and terminology.
And you’re absolutely right, “stock device type handler” means one that the SmartThings system will automatically assign to a new device. People use custom ones to access additional features of a particular device that might not be available through the stock handler.
Unfortunately, I rely on text to speech (I’m quadriparetic) and there really isn’t any good way to read groovy code with that. So I can’t help you with the specifics for setting up a device type handler that could set parameter 29 to 1. But there are a lot of great coders in the community, and I’m sure someone will step up to help. I just think the two people I already mentioned have already done it for the specific device, so they might have the code lying around already.
OK, looks like @michaelk did this in the following thread. If someone doesn’t come in here to help soon, why don’t you ask the follow up at the end of that thread and hopefully people there will be able to help you.