I’m trying to figure out if anyone else’s AeonTec Home Energy Monitor V2 has stopped working right. All of a sudden, my wattage values all hover around 0; between -500 and 1000 watts; which is obviously a bit ridiculous for my house.
Ideas? Was it a back-end change or has my meter broken?
I thought I was the only one…mine stopped reporting consistent values a couple of weeks ago, particularly in the details page, I’ve tried debugging it, and although it appears that the HEMv2 doesn’t report values reliably, it will occaisionally work properly.
I suspect now that ST is losing/missing event reports from the HEMv2, and not sending them to my device handler reliably. I’ll put in a message to support.
If anyone else notices that the values displayed for L1+L2 don’t add up to the total (especially Watts & Amps), or that the values just don’t change, please leave a message here on this thread.
On the issue of meter not reporting… Configure/refresh the meter… My meter is set to update xively channel and I noticed long ago that it used to die arbitraryly. To keep it running I send it a refresh as a chronjob.
On erratc values, since the reports for each clamp are not at the same instant, it is unlikely that the two values will add up. i dont think the clamps are very accurate… i apply 16% correction to have it keep up with my mains.