Multipurpose Sensor - Vibration Alert

I would like detailed instructions on how to get alerts for vibration from my Multipurpose Sensor when active and no longer active.

I have a standby generator - the goal is to know when he runs and stops running. I can see in the history but get no alerts.

I suggest you search the forum for “door knock”. There are multiple ways/ apps to achieve what you want.

Im new to the game - would like step by step.

One simple option is to go to:
Smartthings mobile app -> Marketplace-> SmartApps -> More -> Door Knocker

One you configure the values the app is installed to your account.

In this case you need to mount the magnet together with the sensor so the “door” shows closed.

First things first, we need to ask a couple questions.

  1. what model smartthings hub do you have?

  2. what version of the mobile app are you using, “smartthings classic“ or “smartthings (Samsung connect)“?

  3. are you using a Samsung galaxy eight or newer, an iPhone, or another android phone?

The options available vary slightly depending on these answers.

Sounds good! So this should work when the generator starts… How can a get a “push” when it stops.

[quote=“JDRoberts, post:5, topic:124162”]
what model smartthings hub do you have?

what version of the mobile app are you using, “smartthings classic“ or “smartthings (Samsung connect)“?

are you using a Samsung galaxy eight or newer, and iPhone, or another android phone?

Both apps have “smartthings” in the name. We need to know which one exactly.

The choices are:

“SmartThings Classic” or

“SmartThings (Samsung Connect)”

Keep in mind that the “vibration sensor” is not intended to record continuous vibration, and this might cause it to have to issue more events than typical, thus draining the battery more quickly than expected.

It might be negligible, just … sharing a thought.

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“SmartThings (Samsung Connect)”

Got this from Support - Thanks All!

In the SmartThings Classic mobile app:

  1. Tap Marketplace
  2. Tap SmartApps
  3. Tap Safety & Security
  4. Tap Notify Me When
  5. Select Acceleration detected for the trigger
  6. Select the devices for which you want to be notified
  7. Tap Done
  8. Under Message Text, tap to enter an optional custom message
  9. Enter a 10-digit phone number to get a text notification
  10. Tap Notify me via Push Notification
  11. Tap Yes or No
  12. Tap Done
  13. Under Minutes, enter the number of minutes for the minimum time between messages (optional)
  14. Assign a name to this SmartApp
  15. Tap to set a mode in which you will receive notifications
  16. Tap Done
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