Multiple text messages

Any update on this? Along with not being able to add additional users it’s prettying annoying.

How do I enable this “My Contacts” menu option??? I do not want to share account, but I do want text to multiple people.

@Ben, I know shared accounts just got working a day ago… but is getting “My Contacts” working for everyone next on the list?

It’s now end of December and I’m not seeing ability to add contacts… What’s up? Please say it’s available and I’m just not seeing it…

I’m not seeing it either on Android and this is a big miss in my opinion.

Come on, we need a Christmas Gift already


@Ben I think you need to reply to this thread, you tell us all a feature is available and yet for myself using Android/IOS/Win Mobile this feature is not available. pray tell how we can get the same.

if you dropped the ball showing a feature of an unreleased client, that’s fine also, just let us know that is the case. but saying something and going quiet on this is a little frustrating

Contact Book - as it is referred to internally (and sometimes externally) was released when I showed the iOS screen above. It was also briefly released on Android Unfortunately some serious bugs were uncovered and we had to roll it back. I checked in on this with the engineering and product teams but getting it released is not a priority at the current time. I will continue to push for it.


@ben thanks for the update.

Pretty big (and silly) limitation…
This really needs to be added.

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Thanks be n for the update and clarity.
I am just getting into smartThings system.
Purchased for primary use as a security system.
Not a coder, nor a tinker of add on.
So the ability to have the system text both my wife and I is really big to me.

If you have any additional insights into when, or if unfortunately it’s not on the road map, I’d really appricate the easiest way to accomplish it.


Ben, is there any update on this? This is a serious shortcoming in the application and has been requested for 2 years evidently by the start date of this thread.

What specifically would you like to do?

Hi Ben,
Sorry for not explaining. My use case is the same as most others on this post. Configure a second cell phone number that gets alerts without using the ‘Notify me when’ app. Since the feature is developed (it was released and pulled back from reading this thread) why can the bugs not be fixed and the app released again?
Having consistent user experience across all registered users and allowing to register multiple phone numbers seems very natural. The ‘Notify me when’ app does not give the same experience as the native alert from the Smart Home Monitor.

Does this explain my use case?

Thanks for responding to my post by the way!

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Ok - I just wanted to be clear that you knew of “workarounds” and weren’t living without this for the time being. I don’t have a status update to report on the re-release of “Contact Book”. All I can say is that we are focusing on delivering a more stable. solid experience for all before adding anything new.

Just ran into this. Is this feature totally abandoned?

Just checking in on this enhancement. I just finished setting up all my sensors and configured Smart Home Monitor to find out I can only send text messages to one number. Pretty bummed about this as I wanted to have SMS sent to wife’s phone as well. Any idea when this can be added. Doesn’t seem like it’s a lot to ask for but what do I know.


So no update on being able to send notifications to more than one cell number??? I cannot believe this is not a feature…


I would agree. Anything out there to enable text notifications to multiple people with Smart Home Monitor?

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Yep, it seems like a pretty simple request that many people would benefit from. Not sure what the issue is but it is disappointing.

Is there any update on this. It seems like a simple and beneficial request. What about a simple honest answer, ST crew?