Multiple hubs at one location

I have not been able to get a definitive answer on this. I have a V2 hub with about 100 devices on it. The devices are Leviton dimmers and Qubino flush shutters. I am noticing a huge command lag (minutes). I was thinking of offloading some shutters to a different hub. Can I add a hub and move some devices from the original hub to the new hub? All my devices are Z-wave.

It will be ‘move’ in the sense of ‘manually remove from one hub and pair on the other’ but yes you can run multiple hubs in the same SmartThings Location. Just bear in mind that automations involving devices on more than one hub will execute in the cloud.


Wasn’t there a recent post stating they were seeing local execution now? I may be wrong :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging: can’t remember if it was hub groups or not.


I saw the same announcement after one of the firmware updates, and I thought a couple of community members with multiple hubs confirmed that indeed, some routines of this type were now running local.