Multiple Devices Cycling On/Offline (31 Dec 2023)

Last night several of my zwave devices were offline then randomly came back online. Today they are offline again. There is not clear pattern to the type of device as some are embrighten switches, enbrighten outlet, schlage lock, garage door opener, and honeywell thermostat.

Reboot your Hub and then try a zwave repair if you havent already tried that.

Thanks. Unfortunately, I already tried that.

Did you pull the power to reboot it or do it through the advanced API? What version hub do you have?

I pulled the power. I think version 2 hub. It’s like 8 years old.

Try doing it from the advanced section of I don’t have a V2 hub, but I think you have to remove the battery in that one to get a complete reboot.

Also here is an old link on how to properly reboot the V2 hub.

Happy New Year!

I’ve now rebooted multiple times and ran the z-wave repair utility a bunch of times. No luck. Thanks for sending over the link. I was not aware of this interface. While in here I noticed what I believe is a ghost device. See image attached. It shows all my devices are associated with rooms except one. Yet, I don’t see any devices not associated with a room. I’m going to email tech support and see what they say.

I’ve been getting a lot of offline devices too, and some bulbs not coming on through local routines. All hue bulbs as well.

The one thing I figured out today is that only my older devices are offline. None of them are zwave plus.

This is usualy your cell phone that you have Smartthings installed on.

This would lead me to believe that this is a Zwave mesh issue. Have you moved or removed any devices recently?

Yes, I added 4 new Enbrighten Z wave switches on Saturday a few hours before this started happening.

May have caused the issue but a Zwave repair should have fixed it. Maybe the S2 authentication is causing issues.

The Zwave utility fails because it can’t update the device. I’m worried I’m going to need to delete the devices and reads them. I could try taking the new devices offline to see if that helps. Is there anyway to turn S2 off?

This is maddening.

You can try and exclude them and then add them again. I believe adding them with scan for nearby devices and not scanning the QR code will keep them from pairing with S2 security. If you are going to try this then I would do a Zwave repair when you have excluded all of them and see what happens and then do a zwave repair after you add each device.

I pulled the air gap on the new switches, did a reboot, and repair. Doing so brought my garage door opener online. It even stayed online after pushing the air gaps back. So, as a Hail Mary pass I decided to kill the power in the entire house for 30 seconds then turned it back on. Problem solved. Everything is back online!!

Thanks for sticking with me through this. What a crazy journey.

Your most welcome. The air gap idea was a good one. Do explore the advanced api, a lot of useful info in there.

I was having the same issue - all of my older devices went offline after the firmware update. I texted tech support, that was a mistake (“What was the exact time this occurred?”). Followed the above 1) Hard reboot of my v2 Smarthub, 2) Turned off house electricity for 30 seconds, 3) ran Zwave repair. All devices back online! Thanks all.

I will let you know when tech support gets back to me.

I’m glad to hear this worked for you too. Tech support was useless. They seem to read from a script and never really listen to the symptoms.

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