Mounting IRIS Motion Sensor in Corner?

I bought an IRIS motion sensor after reading several favorable comments in this forum. I’d like to mount it in a corner. I did not know that the only included way to mount this sensor is with 3M strips. Has anyone used another method?

I’m planning on painting this room is a couple of months, so I’d like to be able to remove the sensor for painting without dealing with the hassle of the 3M strips.

Yep, I bought that rubber gummy gooey stuff… Sorry, I can’t remember what’s it’s called.

Something like this…

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I used the included 3m strips to mount one in a corner. It’s been working great.

Have you tried removing it and putting it back on with the 3M strips?

I used 3m command strips. just trimmed it up so it wasn’t so big on the back, but left the pull tab as big as possible. In theory you dont need but one side with the Command Strip but I have it on both on the majority of mine. Just have to position the strip such that the pull tab isn’t visible, which can be a problem in some cases. The included VHB strips are very strong, and pull paint off almost guaranteed.

No, I’d imagine you’d need some more strips or similar mounting tape.

I mount mine with Velcro strips. It’s easier to take them down to change the batteries.

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Pulled them off when I painted and the included 3m strips were still tacky enough to put back once the paint dried.

Iris Motions are pretty freaking awesome! Have 14 of them with no issues.

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I just opened my first iris motion today and was surprised how small it was. Same as this old op, I was going to mount it in a corner and found out there was no hole :slight_smile: I ended up attaching a paper clip to the back using outdoor rated double sided 3m tape, paper clip hangs on a screw stuck on the corner. I was concerned about battery changes which is the reason I went that route.

Used @bravenel paper clip method.

Its designed to be mounted in a corner If you mount it using the included 3M strips (one slim strip on each angled edge to contact each wall) with the battery compartment on top (so it looks like its upside down) you can change the battery without removing the sensor from the wall. It also has a slight downward tilt in this orientation so its field of view is not projected into dead air, but somewhat towards the floor.


Have at least 20 of these mounted the exact same way. As stated, they appear to be designed that way for easy battery change and wide field of view.