January 30, 2016, 4:31am
It paired as an Aeon Multisensor + C3. It displays Motion all the time and there’s no data in the Right Now section. Is it defective or am I missing something? I’ve removed it and re-added about 3 times, I’ve rebooted the app and I’ve rebooted the Hub.
(Brian Diehl)
January 30, 2016, 4:34am
Try changing the Device Type.
I’m new to Smartthings and Github. I bought three monoprice motion sensors and added them to my new hub 2.0. Due to some prior reading on the forums I knew I needed to add a custom device type for the monoprice sensor. I did some digging in this forum and found someone pointing a link to Github for one that brings in the motion, temp and battery. With some more digging I figured out how to copy and paste the code into a new device type. Simple enough, but it doesn’t seem to work. The motion works on all three just fine. However, the temps all come in at 171F or 178F. And then only two of them show battery status.
I’ve been trying to do searches on github to find other device types that might work but I can’t find one. Is there an easier way to find people’s custom device types? I just wan…
January 30, 2016, 5:19am
I added the device handler from RBoy, it appears to be updated, but it still constantly displays Motion and no other data.
(Brian Diehl)
January 30, 2016, 5:24am
Have you done a z-wave repair since adding the device?
This can happen for a number of reasons, including the device being too far from the nearest repeating device.
Here’s a pretty standard FAQ for troubleshooting a device being stuck (although it says open/closed it could also be Motion stuck on:
When any sensor gets “stuck” in one reporting state, open or closed, it’s almost always one of the following:
Low battery. once the battery gets down to about 30%, the signal strength drops by a lot. It just may not be able to report. So you may want to try just changing the battery if it’s getting low. sometimes a new device gets delivered with a bad battery, it can happen.
orphaned nodes. Zigbee does have a vulnerability to this. The fix is to unplug the hub for at least 15 minutes, including removing the batteries. This will cause all the zigbee devices to realize they’ve lost connection to the network, and then when you plug the hub back in the address tables will get rebuilt. You may not see an improvement until the next day, it can take a while for the changes to propagate…
January 30, 2016, 5:38am
I just tried the Z-Wave repair, no luck. I’ll try removing the battery.
I did make some headway by following some ideas in the thread below. It’s now displaying the temp and battery. Although the temp shows 66 degrees which isn’t correct and the battery shows 100%, so maybe that’s not correct either.
Monoprice and Linear/GoControl WAPIRZ-1 Motion Sensors with Temperature Device Handler
These devices are a motion sensor which also have a temperature sensor built into it. This device handler also supports the Z-Wave Plus devices (they have slightly different specs but support has been added for them). Support has also been added for v1 and v2 hub ifingerprinting for easy identification. Ideally install the Device Handler BEFORE pairing the device for easy setup.
[IMG_7136] [IMG_7137]
Classic App
The Monoprice device can be bought directly from Monoprice for about $22 (free shipping) here:
Monoprice has a new range of Z-Wave Plus devices for about $30 (free shipping) which can be found here:
The Linear/GoControl device can…
January 30, 2016, 12:54pm
Removing the battery for 15 minutes fixed it! Thanks for the help Brian!
Now I have to get my Cree bulb working again.