Monoprice z-wave 15% off promo code

after promo code 15ZWAVE
Monoprice Z-Wave Plus Door/Window Sensor $19.54
Monoprice Z-Wave Garage Door Sensor $19.54
Monoprice Z-Wave Plugin On/Off $21.24
Monoprice Z-Wave Plus Shock Detector $21.24
Monoprice Z-Wave Plus PIR Motion Detector /w Temperature Sensor $21.24
Monoprice Z-Wave Plus Plug In Power Monitor $29.74
Monoprice Z-Wave Plus PIR Multi-Sensor (Temperature/Humidity/Light) $29.74

Anyone have an opinion of the multi sensor and light detection?

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A quick search reveals this, not sure if you’ve seen it:

TLDR; it looks like they got the sensors paired…

Yeah i saw that. I was wondering if anyone has an opinion of how well they work as light sensors. Reliable? Accurate? Repeatable? Junk?

I believe it’s the same hardware as the zooz 4 in 1 motion so search for that also. I’m not sure if the manufacturer has released a conversion grid for the lux reporting, right now it gives a percent value instead of lux. The device driver by @krlaframboise gives you a couple of options on how to deal with the lux though.

They don’t work well as light sensors because they can only detect up to about 50 lux.

Same hardware, but the Zooz firmware has more configuration options. Users have also had issues with Monoprice’s support and return policy so I’d avoid the Monoprice version.


Thanks, this is exactly the feedback I was looking for.

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Argh the plug-in switch is all out.

Coupon code Z15 is listed to take 15% off Z-wave products again on today.