I’ve installed a MIMOLite using the device type that many here worked on (“MIMOLite Garage Door Opener”), and it has a tile to accurately reflect the power state of the device.
What I’d like to do is monitor this state and get a push notification if power is lost. Is there an existing app I can use to do this, I’ve looked and can’t find anything?
Thanks, I just installed it. I will test sometime this weekend. My router and smartthings hub are on small UPSs and remain on even when there is a power outage.So power loss notifications should work getting to my phone.
The only minor thing, it works if the mimolite is setup with the official smartthings device type, it does not work if I use this person’s Mimolite device jscgs350.
The app is subscribing to the attribute called “powered”, which can have a state of “powerOff” or “powerOn”. If the other person used different ID’s, then it won’t work. You’ll have to edit the app to match what they used.
I took a quick look at @jscgs350 code and instead of “powered”, “powerState” is used. So you could just edit the app replacing all of the instances of “powered” with “powerState” and it will work with that device type.
Hi @professordave, @twack is correct. It’s a simple change in the smartapp, or the device handler code can be changed to be consistent with your other mimolite devices. Which one are you using of mine? I have no problem making that change for you.
EDIT: Assuming you’re using my latest version, I just updated it to also use “powered” so it will work with the app that @twack (thanks btw!) put together.
I will try and test this today. We have a bunch of snow I need to shovel first!
So at the moment I am only using the input on the Mimolite.
But I am going to also use the output and it will probably need to be a virtual momentary contact switch.
Your device does this!!
But it does not seem like the official device type does this. Right now, when I click on the button, in the official device, the relay is turned on and it looks like the relay stays on forever. Even after rebooting the hub.
I wish I could shovel… we’ve been hit hard with ice, some snow, more ice, and now flurries. My pine trees haven’t snapped yet, but they all look like an upside down “U” right now.
It seems that you are the resident expert in the Mimolite here. Perhaps you can help me. I am trying to use the Mimolite to turn on a vent booster fan, when the hvac fan goes on. Since the HVAC airhandler is controlling fan on/off, I have tapped into the 120vac line, then fed that into a 12vdc converter. This is feeding the Mimolite input. It paired fine and responds to the controller, in terms of manual on/off. Put the input voltage does not trigger an event. Steve at FortrezZ said this:
So, if I understand your situation, you are looking to have our signal input trigger our Relay on MIMOlite? You can do this, see below:
Input-to-Relay Mapping
The MIMOlite can be configured to automatically turn the relay on when the input is triggered. The Configuration Command Class, Parameter 3, is used to set this mapping. When this mapping is enabled, Z-WaveTM commands to set a relay are overridden. The default for the relay is no input-to-relay mappings.
Parameter 3, SIG1 to RELAY1 mapping, is enabled by setting Bit 0 in the parameter value field and disabled by clearing the same bit.
Parameter 3
Trigger Mapping: Trigger level on SIG1 sets or clears Relay1 or ‘(Refer to description in user manual under section, Input to Relay Mapping). Note that neither a Basic Report nor a Binary Switch Report is given when Relay1 is automatically set or cleared by Trigger Mapping.
This is where I’m lost. I am not a coder. This automation scenario doesn’t seem that odd to me. But I can’t find anyone doing it. Thanks in advance.
How long should it take to go from no power to realize that there is power?
Without hitting the refresh it seems to stay at no power.
Also, the stock device type might in fact be setup correctly as momentary, but the display in the iphone app is wrong as it never goes back after opening.
This should be relatively quick. Did you tap on the Configure tile? Doing that configures the mimolite to be able to send alarm messages like a power failure. If you haven’t done that, please do.
That could be because it’s not seeing the open/close sensor state properly.
Ah ok, I mis-read your post, my apologies. It should report regaining power because the code is looking for anything coming from the device. What happens when you leave the device and come back to it? Does the power indicator show correctly? I’ll have to do some testing on my end to see what happens with mine.
EDIT: You’re right, when power returns, the indicator doesn’t change until a refresh. I bet there’s another message number the code should be looking for. Let me do some homework on that.
I watched the live logs for any event being sent from the device. For sure I saw open/close, and triggering the door. I also saw the right message for when it lost power. What I didn’t see was anything being sent from the mimolite that power was restored
That leads me to believe that the manufacturer didn’t enable the device to do that, which explains a little more to me why ST didn’t already address that in their code (which was the basis for mine, and originally Twack’s)
I guess it’s a forcible way for us to make sure that what ever caused the power outage has been resolved vs relying on a device for that notification. Safety related perhaps?
I just googled for the Mimolite manual and it states there are 2 messages, one for power down and one for power up.
A periodic Power Dropout status blink (see above indication table) is shown if the supplied power drops below approx. 10.5 Volts. In addition, the MIMOlite implements the Alarm Command Class (Version 1), which provides for an alarm report (Alarm Type = 0x08, Alarm Level = 0xFF) to be sent when the supplied power drops. The MIMOlite sends the notification to the node(s) in Association Group 3. After a power dropout alarm event, the MIMOlite sends an alarm report (Alarm Type = 0x08, Alarm Level = 0x00) when the supplied power rises above approx. 11 Volts.