(Fast, Good, Cheap...pick two.)
June 8, 2016, 1:45am
Anyone have experienced system going into Home mode during the night or while your away?..with no signs of it being triggered?..just mysteriously your system is in home mode but nothing works like it’s supposed to when in home mode?
I’ve had this going on for a couple months now…and yes I have a ticket with the same old initial response with no follow up.
What gives?
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You’ll find at least six forum threads where this has been discussed this year. Some people see it, some people don’t. There are various theories for what could be causing it, but it may be multiple problems.
so i have had issues of varying degrees over the last week or so, mainly due to delayed actions. but last night some new issue has cropped up. the mode changed from Night mode to Home mode spontaneously without any input the result of which was we all got woken up by the lights turning on.
I have found the event but can not see why this was triggered. my experience the last week or so has been abysmal and it has coincided with a duration where i have very little time to spend troubleshooting or diagnosing. what i do know is that there has been 0 changes to the network of smartapps etc in this timeframe.
i have moved to total indifference about this product finally and am not investing further effort at all until something improves. which i am doubting as i was expecting to see improvemen…
This is a new one, this morning a few minutes ago the alarm went off out of the blue. I opened the smartthings app and the mode showed it had changed from home to away but itself!! All presence devices were at home, nothing had changed yet it changed to away.
I searched the notifications, there was no notification of the mode change, it just changed itself.
Incase anyone else has seen something similar.
@jody.albritton @slagle FYR ticket 198615
I really hate to start a new thread, but today has been an awful day for my ST Hub. I need to know if anyone else was fine the past few days and today is not. I first woke up to find out none of my zWave devices were responsive, which I then rebooted the hub to fix. Then, ST kept reporting my presence sensor which sits in my wife’s car was coming and going when it wasn’t. Now, my mode keeps bouncing between Home and Away (even though my presence sensors are reporting accurate location). Tagging @slagle and @jody.albritton for visibility. I have a V1 hub.
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(Fast, Good, Cheap...pick two.)
June 8, 2016, 1:53am
Yes, I read those and i appreciate your bringing them up
What I found peculiar is that, in those threads, their system works fine but it’s unexplained how it happened?..at least from what I read.
Where mine differs is that nothing works off motion after this happens.
It’s always something.
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Database corruption and/or hub being out of sync with the cloud happens to the best of us. The first to find and share a workable solution will be the saviour for the rest of us. I hope you will be the ONE! Can you change the mode back in ide to put your modes back in order?
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(Fast, Good, Cheap...pick two.)
June 8, 2016, 2:40am
I’ll get right on that…but it will have to wait until after I move my pot of gold under tomorrow’s rainbow and brush my unicorn.
…oh!..and prove Hilary Clinton’s ineptitude is all happenstance.
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