Matter over wifi bulbs

is anyone else finding matter over wifi bulbs going offline a lot in smartthings?

I’ve got lots of these bulbs…2 different brands
Samraj Technologies MALLI Smart LED Light Bulb Made with Matter
Linkind Matter Smart RGBTW Bulb, E27 Smart Bulb
…and they are constantly going offline in Smartthings
The strange things is that I’ve shared them through Smartthings to Home Assistant and they are still controllable in HA when this happens.
I used to have this with normal Meross Wifi bulbs but then I would have the Meross app to toggle the bulb and Smartthings would then recover. With Matter, it feels like this should work better but it feels like it’s actually got worse
I was wondering if I’ve just got too many Wifi devices on the network (it’s nearing 50) so I’ve cleared a load out (replacing Wifi plugs with zigbee plugs) but it doesn’t seem to have improved anything.

I have 4 Wiz Matter over WiFi bulbs and I don’t have offline problems. On a very rare occasion 1 of the will go offline and it is always the same bulb.

Depending on your router 50 devices could cause an overload.

I actually changed to the current deco mesh as the old linksys one used to do this a lot and blamed it on that. But what i cant explain is why smartthings thinks things are offline but HA is ok with them

When my 1 Wiz bulbs occasionally shows as offline in ST, it is still online in the Wiz app. I toggle it in Wiz and that usually brings it back online in ST.

Because SmartThings has its own proprietary algorithm for defining when a device is off-line. Which unfortunately has never worked very well, you’ll see dozens of threads in the forum about the issue.


O thats sad :pensive:

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