Lowe's Iris Sensors (New CentraLite models)

Same mine, freezer sensor in 2 weeks from 100% to 55%. and 55% holds 5 months without change.
other sensors holds 88% steady

my Iris smart button somehow lost connectivity last week for about 4 days and went from 100% to 66% and its been sitting there for the past few days. Been setup for about a month now lol

same thing happened to mine - once i manually reset the smart button, everything went back to normal working order.

Yup, I do that too with Smart Home Monitor.

I’ve read through about half this thread… I just set up 3 of the 6 of the contact sensors I purchased from Lowe’s. The 3 I set up are on our doors… now I want some suggestions as to fun things I can do with the other 3. I could do windows… but I’d need about 15 more to cover the whole house… so I’m thinking of doing something “different” and would love to see what you guys have done that falls into that category…

I have a sense on my front door that I have do several things.

  1. door opens, foyer lights come on. Go off after 3 minutes if door closed, 5 if left open.
  2. after 9 pm if the door opens, it also turns on the porch lights

I use one on the foyer closet door to control a smart bulb in there. For some reason they didn’t put one in there. It’s instant on when open and closed.

I do the same for the lights in the laundry room.

I know, kind of lame. I still have 4 more of them to install and trying to figure out the same thing you are lol.

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I can’t wait to figure out what to do with these! I think I will set my front door to work like yours. I don’t have any control over my porch lights… what did you do to get that? Smartbulbs?

Newbie here. Thanks everyone for the posts to the sensors and discount codes. i was able to order three of the motion sensors:)

I actually struck it rich with the Lowes gee switches last year. I think I got somewhere around 40 of them and average right around $8.00 each! So, I use switches. But, before that I was using ge link bulbs.

Which by the way I no longer recommend, unless you do not have a Phillips hub. If you do have the Phillips hub I recommend their new generation bulbs. They are the same price and a much better quality than the GE bulbs.

I agree with @bamarayne, switches are the way to go (I did not ‘strike it rich’ at lowes) I have about 10 GE switches, mostly dimmers (iike the dim up dim down effect). They are nearly instant, and still perform like regular switches. Smart Bulbs are not rated for out door use. They probably work fine, but I don’t want to risk an expensive bulb. I have hue bulbs in certain situations, and really like them. But the switch has to remain on, and occasionally it gets turned off. I use them mostly in lamps and with physical remotes, which is so much more convenient than using a phone.

For my porch lights I have them slightly smarter, they turn on if the front door opens after sunset. I also have a rule that if anyone is not present at the house after sunset it turns on the porch light. Have not come home to a dark porch in weeks.

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I have one GE bulb outdoors, so far it’s fine.

I’ve installed eight Iris sensors. One in a closet with a GE bulb, as bamarayne did. The remainder are on windows.

I have eight more. Four more for windows, and the remainder for experimentation.

I just installed an Iris motion sensor which works great but I noticed the reported temperature was 73 degrees when I first paired it but then it dropped down to 46, and then later down to 20 degrees. I know my room temperature is 72 degrees. After a factory reset and repairing, it did a very similar thing reporting an accurate temp but within fifteen minutes, it would drop down to 20 degrees. Anyone else see this odd behavior with the temp sensor?

Yes. Your temperature is in Celsius.

My app setting is in Fahrenheit. Is there some other setting I might’ve missed?

Check your location settings under https://graph.api.smartthings.com/location for the “Temperature Scale” settings:

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Hey, I was wondering if anyone can help me modify the device handler so that it reports temperatures to the tenth or even hundredth value. So instead of full integers such as 70 degrees, it reports 70.4 or 70.35 for example. I really need this for the Iris open/close sensors and I am confident I’ll be able to modify the motion sensor based on what I learn from the open and closed ones. I am not a coder but I am starting to learn the basics…


Hi, I done have the code in front of me to send it to you.


Look at the code, up at the top somewhere before line 30 you will see something with “number” in the line.

Make that number.number

Then save and publish. Then open your device and tap the reset tile.

You may need to do that several time…

The only place I see number is:
input “tempOffset”, “number”, title: “Degrees”, description: “Adjust temperature by this many degrees”, range: “”, displayDuringSetup: false

It looks like it allows me to enter a more precise offset which is good but then it throws an error in the code below:

private Map getTemperatureResult(value) {
log.debug 'TEMP’
def linkText = getLinkText(device)
if (tempOffset) {
def offset = tempOffset as int
def v = value as int
value = v + offset
def descriptionText = "${linkText} was ${value}°${temperatureScale}"
return [
name: ‘temperature’,
value: value,
descriptionText: descriptionText

I removed “as integer” in the code but then it just appends the offset to the temperature value so if I put 1 and the temperature is 70, it reports the temperature as 701… Let me reiterate I am new to coding lol!

I think you are on the right line. It should look something like this:

input “tempOffset”, “number.number”, title: “Temperature Offset”, description: “Adjust temperature by this many degrees”, range: “”, displayDuringSetup: false

You are doing this on the motion sensor right? My code is for the contact sensor, but they should be the same.