Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of threads popping up asking about which devices run local, how do we know, and why isn’t it running local?
But, did it really matter? What benefit are we getting from it? Is there a benefit? Is local actually faster? Can you even tell the difference?
I have over 100 devices now, about 90 of them are Zwave and the rest are zigbee. I have exactly two instances of smart lighting running local. That’s it. I have 70 rule machine rules running, obviously not local. I have button controller for my Minimotes, those run local. But what’s the point?
Why do I have these two smartapp rules and two Minimotes running local? Simple - insurance.
But do I need it?
The two smart lighting rules are the foyer lights coming on with the front door opening and the foyer closet lights. Why? Because if the internet ever goes down then the lights will come on when we walk in the door!
Wait… That is freakin stupid! When is the last time my internet went down for longer than… Ooooohhhhhh… He’ll I don’t know… I can’t remember the last time it was down.
So, that clears up the “just in case the internet is down” issue, at least for me. I know some folks live in places like… Utah, San Francisco, Oregon, the Dakotas, and anywhere in Canada… But, I’m talking about me here dangit!
So, the only other reason I can think if would be speed.
Are things noticeably faster local than they are in the clouds? As far as I can tell… NO!
I’m sure if we pulled out the timer and checked it, there would be a pretty noticeable lag of a few hundred milliseconds.
But honestly, does it matter?
I understand there are reliability issues by having a clouds dependant system.
I understand that a completely local system, free of the internet, is going to be more reliable.
In summary, for me, I don’t care. I’m not seeing any difference NOW between the cloud and local.
So, I run my devices on the device handlers that I like the most, that give me the options that fit me.
Opinions? Thoughts? Ideas?
Let’s have an honest discussion about this. What am I missing?
I would really like to hear what y’all think.