I’ve been using a lighting group for two of the same Switchbot smart bulbs in the same room for several months now. They’ve worked perfectly, when either/both bulbs were on, the group would show as on. When both were off, the group would show as off. I could also turn them both on/off by tapping the group.
However, for the last week or so, the lighting group has been stuck on. Even when both lights are off. It’s showing it on iOS and Android, so I don’t think it’s a single app issue. I’m also not having this issue with other light groups.
@Tlvittitow Sadly, no, and about 2 days after I posted this, my Smartthings box died so I decided to move to Home Assistant instead. I’m still transitioning some devices and routines and I’ve noticed the lighting group is still stuck on.
I have one group that I noticed is also broken today. State is wrong, and it seems to time out if I turn on/off. Deleted that group, recreated a new one – same issue.
Luckily I never use the group in any scenes/routines - so its a relatively minor annoyance.