Light keeps turning on

For some strange reason my living room lights keep turning on every time I open & close my door. I have a 2 year old ge zwave switch & smartthings door sensor. This started happening recently. I have no automations that are doing that & this past sunday I deleted everything & re dis them to see if that was the problem but it didn’t help. I have a version 2 hub. Could my switch be bad?

If you open the device in the Classic app, Does the Recently tab show anything you that could be causing it. SHM rule by chance?

Update:I just noticed the Recently tab no longer shows as much data as I thought it did.

My wife just told me it’s when the door is unlocked. I’m using rboys app & it’s a zwave lock. I dont see anything that would say turn on the lights. I have 1 automation for when my daughters nurse comes and a bunch of things have to happen before the light turns on when she comes at night.

or open the device in the classic app and click on the SmartApps tab, it should list most apps that is associated with that device.

I did that & it shows my routines & I have a routine that locks my door & shuts of all the lights at night.

any smart lighting rules?

Yes. Living room lights turn on at night & the other one is all lights turn off in the morning. My automation is lights off & door locked before we go to bed. Tje weird thing is this light turning on happens during the day to.

It happens when the door is unlocked. #rboyapps any suggestions? I’m using your lum app & the zwave dth. I have been using those apps since last year. This only started recently. I checked to see if light turns on when opened in the lum settings but its not checked.

Tagging @RBoy


Check the Lock/unlock actions page. You may have set it to turn on a switch or turn on the lights after dark. Either in the General unlock actions page or the user specific unlock actions page

I checked that yesterday & I just double checked now & nothing is selected. I can confirm the light goes on when a code is entered or the door is unlocked manually. I deleted my smart lighting apps also just to see if that was the case but its not.

Do you have any Alexa integration? Any IFTTT integration? There could be routines or recipes in those systems.

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You perhaps need to bear in mind that unlocking the door might cause something to happen, and it is that something that causes the lights to be turned on. So there might not be a direct link.

I’d be tempted to dive into the IDE (, then go into ‘My Devices’, select the living room lights, and then ‘List Events’. Then select ‘All’ so you get to see all the events and not just the displayed ones (which is what the ‘Recently’ tab in the app shows). That ought to tell you if any apps are sending commands to the light when the door is unlocked.

You can also choose ‘Live Logging’ and watch what happens when you unlock the door. The degree of logging can vary a bit for different apps and handlers but something might pop up.


I dont use ifttt & alexa is hooked up through smartthings only. I did check the light switch in device & then thing I see is “on command was sent to living room light”. What I did was shut off the light & l I locked the door so I could unlock the door & have the light go on so I could see all the steps in tje ide log. So where is that command coming from.

I dont have the controller to reset the switch but if I unpaired & repaired would that do anything

Maybe one of the developers from samsung can help?

I have forgot about “routines” that did things (if your using the classic app). Do you have a scene that you could have possibly created?

Just a couple of thoughts…

I have 1 scene where the heat is lowered & dior is locked & 1 routine that shuts off all lights & locks doors at every night.

@RBoy I would like to reset my lock & see if that solves my problem with the light. If I were to exclude my lock & delete both lum & dth, would this be a new install once I repair it ro my network & install both lum and dth.

If the light is Z-Wave, you could exclude and re-include it. It would effectively “orphan” whatever rule is causing the problem.

Have you tried telling the lock manager to turn on the light and save that change? Then go back in and tell the lock manager to not turn on the light. If it’s the lock manager causing the issue maybe that would clear it.