Lifx Tip: ignore power if you want to pre-set scene via IFTTT

If you use motion sensors like and lifx… the main reason I got lifx is to use the awesome scene functionality via the app.

Recently, Lifx updated ifttt to set scenes… but I personally don’t want them to turn on or off… I just want to set the scene and not change the state of the bulb.

With some help from lifx support - I found you can do this by adding “ignore: power” to the Advanced Options to Activate Scene. So if the lights are on - the scene will show the change straight away…if they are off - they won’t change til they are turned on next.

Working very well!


Do u have to have the semi colon after it?

Ignore: power;


Ignore: power

nope just

ignore: power

You put that option into the Lifx scene or the Ifttt recipe?

Ifttt recipe. Click the gear in the recipe and then click “more info” within the recipe to get some help.