Lidl/Silvercrest ZigBee Open/Close Sensor Review 2022

Hey guys

Hope everyone is well and safe.

Following my journey on testing some more devices, here it is another one.

Just bought a ZigBee Open/Close sensor from Lidl. It was easily found by SmartThings Hub. However not straight forward, since the device handler was not installed.

The good side of it, plenty options already available. I have tested some of them, and decided to use NYCE Open/Closed Sensor handler. It works perfectly.

The sensor status change in the app is good.

So, if you are thinking about buying a new open/close sensor, I would definitely advise you to consider this option.


What part of the world are you in ?


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Thank you, it is always useful to know where the product is available as ST is international


This device works fine with beta Edge driver Zigbee Contact Mc too


My local Lidl never has any smart devices, not sure if it is the same throughout the Uk

I have read in other forums that availability in the UK has been sporadic. They’ve even removed the product page from the UK version of their website, although the FAQs are still there.

They do seem to be widely available in EU countries, though. :thinking:

Seems i am not alone then JD, i did ask a staff member last time i was there but was told they rarely receive stock. Which was better than just a blank stare which i was expecting

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Do you have to pay customs / Duties if you order it from EU? Otherwise I could buy it for you and send it by post.
Not sure what are the post costs, but maybe it becomes cheaper to get from other brands.

Very kind but no need thank you, if they had some i would have purchased for testing and useage if needed in the future, i am curious more than anything else.

Always interested in buying capable devices at cheap prices, much like the Ikea devices, cheap but capable

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Indeed, likewise always looking forward to get cheap capable options.

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Not very informed about the new edge method. Can you share some práticos examples on how to integrate new devices using Edge?

This is the link to official thread and smartthings drivers Beta Channel

This is the link to my Beta shared driver Channel

The Zigbee Contact Mc driver include the Lidl Contact sensor

  • Lidl Contact Sensor
    model: TY0203

This should help. (The topic title is a clickable link.)

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Hey @Mariano_Colmenarejo

Gd stuff. Thanks for sharing. Need to get some free time for a deep dive on this.

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Thanks @JDRoberts for sharing. Wow. I really hope smartthings can evolve towards a more integrative, modern and fast platform. Guess Edge is the first step towards it.

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I definitely like the direction they’re going, I just hope they get all the way to the goals they’ve stated. :sunglasses:

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Interesting. I have disconnected my Hub and restarted. The sensor become unresponsive/offline.

Restarted, shows online for sometime and then goes offline again. Not sure why this is happening. Need to research. Have anyone faced the same issue?

I have installed your driver but it doesn’t work for me. Maybe I am doing something wrong.
I have deleted the device, enrolled the hub, installed your driver and this is what I get.

It may not have been installed correctly.

Try to uninstall it and install it again.

You can also try to close the app and clear the cache, if you use android