Latest Smartthings app from Playstore: Network Configuration Grayed Out? (Q90R sound bar)

Have you tried pressing and holding the gear icon on the remote for 15 seconds to reinitialize the soundbar? Not sure if it is the same function for your model.

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I was not aware that this had been changed. Thank you for clarifying that for me. I especially appreciate that you did so in an informative, respectful, and generally non-snarky way.

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I always find the input from others in this community to be most beneficial; I just wanted to comment… You’re kind of a jerk.

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Yes same issue here

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I had same problem, fixed by force stop the smarthings app, clear data, uninstall, find and install version 1.7.36-23 apk, added Q90R no problems, then updated to newest version everything works.

Newest app version is 1.7.43-22. Doesn’t help. Soundbar support page shows a firmware version of 1008.
SThings app shows a completely different number structure …not even remotely related. Samsung has ‘version’ issues when it comes to apps communicating with product databases. Fact !

Were you able to figure this out? I’m having issues trying to connect to Q90R.


Samsung had me send my HW-Q90R to a service center in N.J. and they replaced both the WiFi module & the main board. When I got it back, it was @ firmware 1008 and SmartThings would finally apply the most recent update … 1010.5.