The three dots on the top right>manage home>modes. Then scroll thorough them. It looks like it doesn’t add because the window only shows three modes at a time but also doesn’t show a scroll bar so it’s confusing.
I don’t understand the issue. Automation triggers aren’t changing modes?
Now I’m just back to my earlier problem of modes not changing based on location. This started with the new SmartThings when I started using it a few weeks ago.
I’ve gotten presence to work in the new app (haven’t done too much with it), but it’s either working in the new app OR the classic app. If presence works in the classic app, it doesn’t work in the new app. I’m iOS, so for now, I’ve disabled the location permission for the new app because I need presence to work in the classic app for SHM.
What I found was that going back and forth between the apps on the same device just seems to get it all mixed up, and then, nothing works. I use the new app on my iPad for configuration, and I have the classic app on my phone for presence and those rare times that I have to get in the app and press a button. That seems to be the best mix I’ve been able to make work for now.