Keen Smart Home Vents

I have reset the unit several times and it just repairs with the hub in the “jammed” mode.

I e-mailed keen support middle of last week and have not even gotten a response yet.

Not promising as I only ordered two and to have one have this problem so soon does not look good.

Especially as it is a 1.1 version.



but one at lowes and take it back tell them its broke. I know its wrong

I had to modify the tabs on mine so it would fit inside a floor vent so I’m stuck with it unfortunately unless keen is going to send me a replacement themselves.



Can’t promise anything of course but do think Keen will take care of your issue. If you still have not seen a response (and have not already tried it) then try their Twitter account, seems the quickest way to get a response at the moment

does any company give you a phone number any more/…

hahaha, ain’t that the truth :slight_smile:


I added a dashboard to all my zoned cooling/heating smartapps today, so that
users can visualize more easily their active zone(s) and a summary of closed/open vents
in their zone(s).

The new version is available for download at my store:

See picture below:



EDIT: Today, I added AvgVentTemp and AvgTempLevel for the scheduled zone(s) in the dashboard.


I got a response from tech support who has actually been quite good, I will snip some of the info from them and paste here in case anyone else has this problem. I still have not had time to test the solution but I am hoping to this weekend;

Hey Matthew, I’ve been looking into it, and it looks like SmartThings is installing the incorrect Device Handler for our Smart Vent. I have no idea why this is the case, and I’m waiting to hear back from SmartThings about it. You may want to ping their support. If you know how to use the SmartThings developer platform, you can manually create your own Device Handler with the correct code:

If it is still showing jammed, I think the following will work:

Power cycle the vent
Move the vent to 50% by hand
Remove the vent from Smart Things
Press the Smart Vent button 5 times in quick succession to drop it from the network
Add the device back to SmartThings

So I’m going to try it and see if it corrects the problem.



FYI, I just reviewed the device code in the above link, with the stock device code, the only differences being that in the new device type all the configuration parameters that usually get set at device joining (or by clicking configure) are now commented out.
So to be honest, I’m at a loss as to how this is going to resolve the vent jamming issue you see…


Well, I don’t know why it worked but once I used their custom device it cleared right away.

I didn’t even have top do any of those extra steps.




I tried to connect my Keen hub as a repeater but Smartthings just sees it as an unknown device.

Has anyone had success with this or created a Custom Device for it?



That’s the best you can hope for.
It will show as a thing, nothing else needs to be done apparently.
Will it work as a repeater?, it should but who actually knows.


Had the same question…check this thread

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I received a response from Will at Keen, he said he’d have a software engineer take a look at creating a device handler for their Smart Bridge. Probably take a few weeks? Can’t imagine it’d be that hard to do, not much to it since it’s not really a “device” that you do anything with, merely a repeater that’s part of the network. Might be able to get signal strength and polling data from it, but that’s about it.

The other question is - does it just repeat Zigbee HA or does it also repeat Zigbee LL? (Home Automation vs. Light Link for Zigbee based bulbs.)


I have 10 of these installed in my home. All of them are doing this. I just finished resetting all of them once again. My serials are 20151xx for reference.

I am trying to do the same to with a Hue A19 white bulb hooked up ZHA direct to ST now. Just wondering how to force vents to now connect through bulb as repeater.

Mine are actually acting fine once I went to the code that keen provided

I had the same issue happen once on each of my 2 vents in first day. I am going to install the new device handler you reference to see if that fixes. Also can you guys please add a configure section to the device handler and let’s us set the polling rate for temp and pressure? I was trying Yeves device handler just for that feature as a 5 minute rate is fine for what I need. Using Mike’s code to open up basement zone when we are down there or fully close when we are not.