The ST device type supports notification of obstruction issues when level setting attempts are made, the app I’m working on currently ignores these as I’ve not personally had this issue.
The app I’m working on however does capture the opening level as reported by the device after the app or anything else sets it, this is done without the need to poll the device.
It also already tracks command latency in the in app reporting.
So the platform supports all this stuff…
Unfortunately I ordered mine online shipped to Canada, and I had to modify the tabs for it to fit in my floor register.
I don’t have any grinding noise when it powers on and cycles , seems perfectly smooth and was operating fine before.
I have an email into tech support so my fingers are crossed.
I can’t find any instructions on removing them from smart things though in case I have to re-add it.
Looks good, I’m looking forward to your app as I don’t want to have to go through this every time is gets dust or something in the mechanism.
But I’m not planning on implementing blockage alerts or remediation in the initial release.
Mike, thats good to know. As I said, Iris does this after 15 seconds ( a true poll and update ), Keen app doesn’t do it at all currently, just assumes last command sent was executed and is current state. The problem with this is that in that infrastructure (at least today) is there is no caching or buffering of commands which means if the vent disconnected not only is there no notification but you are none the wiser that the command did not execute. Nice to see this functionality does at least exist in the ST platform.
I know Keen are working on that piece of the app and their infrastructure and is needed definitely to ensure you are aware of the status of these vents at any time.
No problem, you have to start somewhere or you would never get anything released.
I’ve seen this on a few
WC1, so defect you say? Would a replacement make a difference?
There are a couple I have seen (again more earlier batch runs than later) that seem a little more ‘noisy’ but other than that have not caused any problems. A different issue that I noticed early on was ‘sticky’ louvers and those you do want to get replaced. I would leave it up to you but if it was me personally, would switch out (while you have the chance with receipt etc) for another one. Again as I posted above, newer batches in my experience have had a lot less issues. Certainly not every early batch 08xx had problems but in ones that I have used, I have seen more issues with those earlier builds and lower (1.0) HW iterations. If you did get it from a brick and mortar, take the chance to look at the serial on the back for 09xx units as I have found those to be more stable and less problematic. If you didn’t get it from brick and mortar, there is still a very good chance (not many of these vents around currently) that you would end up with a newer unit anyway. As mentioned, latest batch run I have seen so far is a 0926 (sept 26) run with a 1.1 HW build (on P/N)
Hope that helps
@bamarayne, what modification did you make to the code to enable it to report temperature so frequently and with that accuracy? My sensors report temp every hour if there is a temperature change. That is not frequently enough to use for temperature control.
I have two units I bought, I took the one out and put the other one in and it did the same thing. the airflow just makes the flimsy white inner frame rattle against the blades. It seems like a design flaw. What role do they play anyway? should I cut them out?
I ordered direct from Keen and just got them in. They are 1.1
Press the reset button quickly 5 times to reset the vent. I just had to do that myself.
So you have newer batch units I’m guessing, 09xx etc ? Again depending on the noise you are seeing, I wouldn’t worry a great deal, the sticky louver issue was more of a problem. I only noticed a few really noise units as mentioned. If truly concerned you could just reach out to Keen, make them aware of what you are seeing and push for a replacement there as well, otherwise I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I wouldn’t cut them out. If you want, PM me and send me some video and I can let you know how it compares to what I’ve seen across the multiple units I have and am working with.
I posted the video, it’s not a concern thing it’s a deal breaker because it’s in our bedroom and the noise is unbearable
I contacted Keen this morning, we’ll see what they say
Didn’t realize that was your video, my apologies. Yes the noise I saw was more with louvers and action with those rather than the noise you are seeing. I would push for a replacement on that one as certainly should not rattle like that, unless you are blowing an afterburner through it which am sure you’re not. Keen should be pretty good about replacing it, especially as you can send them the vid as well. Any other questions just post here or PM
I’m only assuming I’ve got it in “repeater” mode. I merely reset the Smart Bridge and ST found it but couldn’t identify it. The suggestion Will gave me was “What you would do is add the repeaters as a generic zigbee device.” Of course, I’m not sure what a “generic zigbee device” is in the list, so I simply added it as another Keen vent for the moment. Not sure that’s the right way to do it but it does respond at least.
Any suggestions or direction there is appreciated (custom device handler?)
You are good to go. As long as your new ‘thing’ is your hub and has the zigbee id,it doesn’t matter what device type you select, it could stay ‘unknown’ it will repeat your signal.
I have had my vents for two weeks and two times now they randomly all close. Has anyone had this issue?
No…silly 20 char rule
Make sure its not a power issue you are seeing. There are some issues with power packs that if power for example cuts out and back on, the vent recycles, if the vent then has a power issue as it ‘boots’ back up could leave vents in a closed state. The issue seen is with the foam padding within the power pack itself, not letting the batteries get a ‘good’ fit in the unit.
Certainly may not be this issue and you could always do the reset (5x black button push) and see if that works for you as well.
Assume no other environmental issues such as extreme heat hitting those vents etc ?
For reference here, how many vents do you have that are doing this and as discussed above are these a new or older batch (201508xx serials or 201509xx serials or a mix) ?