Iris Zigbee Smart Plugs (iL03) having issues all of a sudden

A week before Lowe’s closed the iris division, I switched to Samsung SmartThings. For the most part everything’s been pretty seamless and I was able to utilize almost all of my sensors. I recently double checked to make sure that one of my smart plugs was working with the system and it was responding and turning on and off. I then went to eBay to purchase 20 more of the same exact model and then started adding them to my account about two weeks ago. For whatever reason about six days ago at least 10 Zigbee devices went off-line. One minute they would be online, the next minute they would not be online and then all of a sudden I would notice many of them off-line. It’s now about a week later and it appears that none of my iris plugs are working except the SmartThings plugs are working. I called technical support several times and was told I was going to get a callback and that never happened. So, I called again 48 hours ago and after being on hold for a while the lady told me that the zigbee firmware on the iris devices wasnt “new enough” for my hub and that because “time was passing” they were starting to not work. I absolutely do not believe that answer as none of the firmware has been updated on anything in my system. I have even noticed on several occasions that all of my devices show online but when I try to turn them on or off from my phone, they simply say turning on or turning off and nothing happens. I’m starting to think that Samsung is doing this on purpose so people will buy new smart plugs. I don’t know what else to say… Any thoughts? I’d really like to use my old iris smart plugs as now I have close to 30 of them! Please see the attached images of the smart plug I just bought 20 of. Again, before I bought them I confirmed that one of them was still working on my system. This is not the only type of virus smart plug I have, I have the other square one that Iris sold under its ow please see the attached images of the smart plug I just bought 20 of. Again, before I bought them I confirmed that one of them was still working on my system. This is not the only type of iris smart plug I have, I have the other square one that Iris also sold. Any help is greatly appreciated. For whatever it’s worth, the hub that I use is the most recent hub just before the Wi-Fi hub is that they are selling now. So, the hub that I have is not Wi-Fi and I have a single hub. Lastly, the hub has not been moved anywhere and has always been in the same place so I know that I have plenty of devices along the way to the final devices allowing signal relay to happen

That device is on the official “works with SmartThings“ list as of this writing, so what support told you was incorrect if that’s what they actually said.

The first generation iris smart plugs do not work with smartthings, but that’s not the one you have.

Did you give the support person the model number, IL031?

I would get back to them and point out that the device is on the official compatibility list.

( make sure that any of your other plugs have that same model number, though. Iris had several different smart plugs over the years.)

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Thanks for that info! All of my plugs are the same model. It’s like no one wants to help me on the support line and just all of a sudden the plugs are having issues. Someone in support told me to buy the new WiFi hub which comes with 3 units and that the 3-hub kit will fix my problem, but I’m actually having this issue as close as 5 feet from my current hub…so I’m not sure that’s the answer.

It’s unlikely that the three hub kit would have anything to do with a zigbee plug dropping off line.

Login to and see what the status of your offline devices are marked as there and report back.

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Are any of your iL03 plugs working currently? Did anything change in the environment (moved your hub, added other devices, etc) between when you added the first one that was working and the others?


See attached! Export|690x338

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Actually, it seems like ALL zigbee devices are offline

Brad - the hub has been in the same spot since day one, but the other day I tried moving it in hopes of the issue going away. No change! What’s wild is that devices in the very same room as the hub aren’t even responding.

Is your hub in an environment with a lot of radio interference? If no devices are working at all, that points to either an issue with the hub itself or the environment.