i can’t figure out how to get my new phone to see my hub and devices… installed the new app, my old style hub and devices don’t seem to see it and the app doesn’t list any of my devices or specifics
Have you checked to make sure you don’t have multiple locations in your account?
Hamburger menu - top left. On the flyout menu your location title (usually Home but can be changed) is click able and drops down to show other locations in your account.
If its not there, theres other possibilities but they all require ST support…
I’ve checked that and it appears to show the location that the old phone had “homestead” and no others…
i’ve gone in an told it to use the new phone to geofence, and still nada…
Adding /removing devices won’t y
help until the phone properly sees the location you want it to see. It sounds like you’re logged in to a separate parallel account or location. Now that we know its not the wrong location…
Other times ive heard similar issues were:
install on the phone broken, uninstall / delete cache / reinstall fixed it.
user never updated SmartThings ID to Samsung ID before migration and also never logged out. So when logging in to ‘thier account’ they accidentally created a nrw Samsung ID with the same email address and logged into that. A separate variant of this is if you crrated the Samsung ID in the past for a Samsung product with the same ID but never updated the SmartThings ID to a Samsung ID…
I dont know how that one resolves but i know support will be required.
Thanks for your help… I did talk to support and eliminated an extra user account that had things confused!!