Creating an issue thread to track reported issue with iOS 2.2.0 and 2.2.1
One reported by @dworkman multiAttributeTiles and valueTiles don’t render the same way on iOS on the list of Things page (e.g. Thermostat temperature)
Creating an issue thread to track reported issue with iOS 2.2.0 and 2.2.1
One reported by @dworkman multiAttributeTiles and valueTiles don’t render the same way on iOS on the list of Things page (e.g. Thermostat temperature)
See screenshot below for issue that @RBoy mentioned. The Upstairs Thermostat is using his custom device handler which uses multiAttributeTiles; the other two thermostats are using the standard SmartThings device handler which apparently use valueTiles.
@Jim could you pass this onto the appropriate team or have them monitor this page