I’ve recently implemented the Smartthings integration with the Honeywell 6000 series thermostats, and it is all working correctly. The only issue I am seeing is that the GUI in the Smartthings app for each thermostat is not rendering correctly. I’ve removed the integration and the thermostats and reinstalled but the issue persists. This happened about a week after initially setting them up. Below is a picture of what the GUI is showing me.
It looks like the thermostats (there are four of them) and routines are all working correctly just not sure what happened to the GUI. Anyone have any ideas?
I’m having the exact same GUI rendering issue with my Honeywell Prestige t-stat, so it seems to be a HW issue.
I rarely ever manage my t-stat via ST, so I didn’t notice this until recently. The functionality of the stat via ST all seems to work OK, but I admittedly haven’t stress-tested it very much.
There were changes at ST in the last few days that have caused issues with rendering in the mobile app UI for many devices. It is a ST issue. There was an app update last week but it actually appears that a change they made after that to correct other issues in the actual app update are to blame. No fix yet.