multiAttributeTiles in Android?

I’m trying to write a device type, and the only device I have to test is my Android device.

I’m writing a multiAttributeTile, but I’m starting to wonder why I am bothering - so far I have tried the VALUE_CONTROL, and SECONDARY_CONTROL, none of which work on Android.

Is this correct, or am I doing something wrong…

Known issue, but I don’t think anyone is working on it.

See my earlier report, here:

Further down the page, there is an acknowledgement by ST staff member, @unixbeast, where he acknowledged he was able to duplicate the issue, and reported it. Maybe some day…

Grrrr, ffs. Why the hell isn’t it in the documentation that it doesn’t work on Android. Would have saved me about 3 hours of work and getting frustrated :rage:

I’m actually doing a Nest one too for the UK. Changed it to lighting, and the secondary control appeared… No joy for the value controls though.

That’s another known issue, and it even pre-dates my report. :no_mouth:

We are still working on making sure there is parity between Android and iOS in this area. I did reach out to the Android devs today to remind them that this is an ongoing issue. It doesn’t help anyone here, but I did put a warning in the docs:
So as to prevent anyone else spending time on this.


I’m assuming that was after I posted this, otherwise I’m going blind!

I’m surprised it functions like that myself to be honest, given all the coding for tiles is done online rather than being device specific


SECONDARY_CONTROL works for me on Android. I use it on several of my own device types.

tiles(scale: 2) {
	multiAttributeTile(name:"contact", type: "lighting", width: 6, height: 4){
		tileAttribute ("", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
		attributeState "closed", label: 'Closed', action: "momentary.push", icon: "st.doors.garage.garage-closed", backgroundColor: "#79b821", nextState:"openingdoor"
		attributeState "open", label: 'Open', action: "momentary.push", icon: "st.doors.garage.garage-open", backgroundColor: "#ffa81e", nextState:"closingdoor"
                attributeState "closingdoor", label:'Closing', icon:"st.doors.garage.garage-closing", backgroundColor:"#ffd700"
                attributeState "openingdoor", label:'Opening', icon:"st.doors.garage.garage-opening", backgroundColor:"#ffd700"
                tileAttribute ("statusText", key: "SECONDARY_CONTROL") {
       		      attributeState "statusText", label:'${currentValue}'       		

I got secondary control working, however I needed the thermostat type to have the value controls and secondary.

I got secondary working by switching the Type to lighting

Yup, you beat me to editing my post. Type needed changed. I too need thermostat and value_controls. It would really simplify my device type I’m using for thermostats. Plus, it looks good too.

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Exactly. I’ve been making/modifying the Nest Thermostat type for the UK. I’ll have to live with this until SmartThings sort themselves out…

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Bumping this thread.

Has there been any progress on this? I’m in the process of updating the Ecobee devices and was leveraging the multiAttributeTile. It works great on iOS but now folks on Android are getting a question mark instead of the tile.

I really don’t want to have to remove the multiAttributeTile, but I also want this to work for all users “out of the box”.

Rather frustrating!

It’s not the best work-around, but try changing the type to lighting instead of thermostat. The only real difference between the two I could see is the little water drop icon for humidity in the lower left. Everything else should work.

Not sure if value_control works for Android yet or not either actually. I have it working on iOS for a custom fan control.