Invited household member can't use app


I invited a household member’s account to our “home” location, but this doesn’t seem to work: While she can see all the devices show up, they all (maybe just “most”, didn’t check all one-by-one) get stuck on “checking status” indefinitely (i waited for maybe minutes before giving up), and so she can’t see the status or change anything. It’s been like this for over a week. Is there a known issue / bug? I can’t imagine this is WAI.

The app works fine for me (both old and new app) - on her phone I only installed the new one. Android in both cases, and app should be current.

Also, I noticed that while she can see the devices, she can’t see the automations I set up. I’m guessing that part’s WAI?


My expérience with guests & ST is poor.

First time I invited my friend and ended up with support.
Second time I ended up loging in with my credential on my cousin’s phone.

My husband phone is also having the same problem. He can see the devices but when he clicks them it says cannot connect to the devices. Yet my phone is fine.


I had the same problem with two AKG VL351 speakers.

Originally I set everything up on my phone and I added my wife as a member who could see but not use the speakers. I removed them from both mine and my wife’s phones, set them up on her phone and then added me as a member and they now work fine from both phones.

Hope that helps?
