Integration with AT&T digital life

Yes, there is - when AT&T is back on its feet - the Digital Life System exposes itself as both a switch (off = disarmed, on=armed/away) as well as a Switch Level (dimmer, 0=disarmed, 1=armed/stay, 2-100=armed/away) Unfortunatelly, ST does not offer a natural way for a three-state alarm :frowning: so this is a workaround. is now “not found” and the conversation is stirring up on their forum. Frustration is ubiquitous…

Not Found

The Access Manager WebSEAL server cannot find the resource you have requested.

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I started to experiment with rule manager (lucky me, I installed it before it went offline) and in the expert features menu it allows you to define custom commands for switches so I set up DLS as a switch witch 3 states: with home, stay and away and use it for rules rather than just on/off. Did not getting test it yet though.

Right now I think SmartRules and RuleMachine are the only options to control DLS because Smart Lighting and Routines only allow dimmer changes in 10% increments. SHM is still too unreliable,

From my understanding of the device type: would it be possible to just change the device type to stay=50, away=100 or does this have bigger implications on e.g. Homecloud app?

Yes, you are correct, there are several “commands” exposed for RM to use via custom commands: home(), stay(), away() and setMode(mode) where mode can be either “home”, “night” (same as “stay”), “stay” or “away”

The 0, 1 and 2 were arbitrarily chosen. I can change them to 0, 50 and 100, no problem. Or maybe 0 is disarmed, 1-50 is stay and 51-100 is away. Implications would come from anyone else already using the 0/1/2 values… they’d have to reconfigure their rules.

AT&T Digital Life is still down (web and ios app) but works in my ST :slight_smile: go figure.

Thank you! I will try this. If I get this to work I can use my routines (home/away/night) to trigger DLS directly and dont have to use SHM as an “unreliable middle-man”.

Digital Life still not working for me in web interface, mobile app or ST…:rage:

Yeah, ST sees it, but it has an earlier state - my alarm is still showing AWAY - the mobile app was doing the same earlier, now it’s saying my system is offline. This has never happened before with AT&T, seems everyone is going berserk about it. People can’t arm their alarms, can’t monitor their 92yr old mom, nor watch their cameras… I can’t arm it - not as big of a problem for me, I should say :slight_smile:

I have been a Digital Life customer for ~2 years now… and never really had any problems, not even a dead battery in a sensor. I am sure we will read in the news about this. There must be a major breakdown if they had a error page for for most of the day instead of a notice there were “system upgrades” (quote from CS rep).

yeah, system upgrades my ST! But yeah, I’ve been with them for two years, first time I notice this. I’m sure they’ll bring it back. What worries me though is seeing things in the homecloudhub log where a contact with an ID that does not belong to me triggered an alarm (state was Away - Alarm Pending) that never really happened on my alarm. Some sort of “cross-talk” if you want. It started happening about a week ago… I was somehow getting events from someone else’s alarm system. The DL app did not show them, but the persistent connection I maintain with them would spit such events out… weird.

That is strange… I will double check my logs… Hope my random arm/disarm events in ST I mentioned above dont have the same root cause.

AT&T is back and working normally. Pfew :wink:

What are Rule Manager/SmartRules/RuleMachine? Are these ST marketplace apps? Are they iOS apps? Sorry, new to this ecosystem and trying to figure out the best way to instantly arm the system. I never use the “away” or “stay” options. I’m either home, or armed instant.

Rule Machine (aka Rule Manager) was an app developed by a community member. Out of frustration with SmartThings about ongoing problems/support he has deleted the app and his license does not allow for further distribution (sorry! you can use it if you have it installed already but not share with anyone)

SmartRules is a paid app that is available iOS from the Apple app store. The version to try out setting up one rule is free. For multiple rules you have to buy the full version ($9.99)

AWAY (all sensors armed), STAY (usually only sensors for exit doors armed, e.g. motion sensors are usually not armed. Often used at night when you are home and want to make sure you are alerted of intruders but don’t want the alarm to turn on when you are walking around the house), and HOME (no sensors armed) are common setting for alarm systems. Usually when you arm the system for AWAY, there is an EXITDELAY (usually 30-60 sec) delay so you have enough time to leave the home and close the door if you arm the system from the keypad. INSTANT is just arming the system without any EXITDELAY. You can set the EXITDELAY in the Digital Life App (this is not a SmartThings setting).

There are many ways of doing this but for your case one option is to set up a routine in SmartThings that turns on the Digital Life System “switch” sets the “dimmer” to 10% if you leave and another routine that turns off the Digital Life System “switch” when you come back. I suggest you also (at least initially) use something like the the “Notify me When” app from the Marketplace to know when the alarm is armed/disarmed.

If you don’t want to work through the IDE and the learning curve of Rule Machine, SmartRules is a great app on iOS.

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This is great, thank you for the explanation

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I think AT&T’s instant setting is similar to the stay mode - i.e. motion sensors are not enabled.

The way I arm/disarm the alarm is… I enabled the sync with the mode and SHM and now they’re all three synced. I can simply go and arm SHM to Stay and AT&T Digital Life follows, as well as the mode (mode is kind of redundant if you’re using SHM…). Or, I can enable the DL alarm from either the keypad or the phone app and the SHM arms as well. When SHM works (which has been the case for the last few days) AND DL works (which has NOT been the case for the last few days LOL), everything is smooth. I have a rule based on presence so when everyone leaves home I change the mode to Away - HomeCloudHub senses that and sets the DL alarm to Away which then triggers SHM to away (via the same app). The rule I have simply sets the mode to Away - everything else is handled by HCH (with Sync SHM and Sync location mode both set to on). When I come home, a RM rule sees that and sets the mode to Home, as well as opening the garage door and unlocking some of the doors. Front door not included :slight_smile: This is how I use it and I love it.

In other words, if you enable the Sync location mode (under AT&T in the HCH setup) then changing the mode will arm/disarm the Digital Life alarm. No need for switch on/off or switch level. If you also enable Sync SHM then you get a three-way party where any change will change the others. Automatically, yaaaay

Enabling the sync with SHM is definitely the best option - and what I understand you intended the app for… great job by the way, since DL was fixed this morning it has been running flawless! It looks like my random arm/disarm events were caused by DL.

I just dont trust SHM yet. I re-enabled it about a week ago after the big announcement of fixes and things went all crazy again and I had to spend more than an hour re-connecting dropped devices etc (and explaining to the family why this happened). :confounded: So I guess I will stick with my workaround until SHM is solid again for me.

You can still use the mode then and manipulateDL by just changing the mode. Set the mode to Away to arm DL in away mode. This way you don’t need to use the switch/switch-level feature.

Thank you :wink:

Have you found a way to access the video cameras? I have an indoor camera that I hooked up to the smart tiles and would love to get access to my 2 ATT outdoor ones