I'm not sure where I should be posting this

I’m trying to get started developing stuff for SmartThings. It seemed that installing webCore would be a place to start. What a nightmare. None of this instuctions match. Somehow you need to use two different an both your smartthing and samsung password. I got to where webCore does not display on my apps in the smartthings classic.

Please point we where I should be.Is webCore a thing of the past?



is is not a thing of the past.

try using the installation instructions from the webcore wiki page…

if you have any questions about installing or using webcore, you can ask on the webcore forum.


Thanks, six hours of using instructions that did not match the screens …

Robert Smith

Hi, @Robert_Smith1

If you want to begin developing automations, I recommend you to check the Rules API and the example shared at this post. Also, check the following tools that SmartThings has provided to help developers creating Rules Automations:


Robert SmiTh

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@Robert_Smith1 Edit your post and remove your personal info. Be careful when replying by email that attaches a signature file. :slight_smile: