Also got mine to work. This is strange. I am certain I tried the same steps yesterday as I did today, but for some reason it decided to work today whereas yesterday it would not. I also followed AnubizDK’s suggestion to put the hub into pairing mode first and then holding the reset button for 10 seconds.
Sorry everyone, I just found this thread as I went about pairing my own Ikea outlet. There was a recent issue with joining certain devices that we fixed a few hours ago and that was likely what was causing the problems you had recently with pairing this device.
Thanks for letting us know. Just wish it was a little earlier, my wife would have appreciated not listening to me complain for the afternoon, lol
I have paired 3No IKEA Bulbs and 1No Outlet this evening .
The Bulbs took some doing but got there in the end - once one paired and changed in the IDE, the others automatically got identified.
The socket was solid white on first power up, used an iPhone SIM tool to press the reset button for 5 or 6 seconds and it paired first time - changed to device type to zigbee socket power.
Hot dog! I’ll try mine again and see if I have better luck.
Has anyone had any luck with using the bundled remote ?
Mine pairs fine with the Hub, but does not register any clicks.
Has anyone gotten further or made it work ?
I’m still waiting for my local Ikea to stock the bundle. outlets only so far.
Just a thought for people more knowledgeable than I, I’m aware that most Ikea remotes seem to use a group broadcast function, which the smartthings hub doesn’t like… would it be possible to pair the remote(s) to something like an xBee as a sort of middleman?
Has anyone tried a tradfri signal repeater?
Hi Konni, I have the same problem, I have tried various devices types, but have had no luck so far
A note to UK users: outlets are now back in stock in Ikea, after a hiatus of several weeks (due to disruption in the factory overseas, apparently). I received one today, and pleased to say that it works perfectly: was recognised quickly by ST, after resetting via the pinhole, and shows up as ‘IKEA TRADFRI control outlet’ without any need for custom DH! Great value for £9 (well, £12 delivered…)!
The smartplug appears to work as a Zigbee signal repeater. After installing several Tradfri smartplugs around the house, I moved the Smartthings hub to a less central position where it previously had issues with sensors dropping off - and no longer have any issues.
I wonder if the USB charger is anything special like over 2.4a or supporting fast charge…
Looks like there are now “Tradfri” wireless blinds. I wonder if these can work with Smartthings…
I was able to get hold of some of the bundles. I was also able to pair the remote/controller to the hub (as a Thing). But after that it´s not possible to connect the button to the tradfri outlet or tradfri light bulb. I´m looking for using the controller also as a button for controlling my Ikea Trådfri light bulbs (Because I like the design + the bundle package is cheap). I have successfully connect the controller to the bulbs and it work perfectly, holding the buttons will dim up or down the light.
So I guess the only way to get this to work is to create 1 or 2 custom DTH for be able to pairing it correctly and manage these functions.
- Handling Ikea power outlet - on/off button,
- Handling Ikea light bulb - dimmer button.
Haven´t had time to investigate this further but maybe some of the existing tradfri controller DTH can be rewritten to support this outlet controller.
I just popped into to ikea pick up some outlets and took a photo of the repeater for you
But it looks like its only 1.5a output
I’ve finally managed to pick up an outlet and button. They have both paired with smartthings without issue - the outlet even knew what it was. That’s about the only good news though. To echo the findings of others:
So far:
- The remote does not work with smartthings.
- The outlet does work when controlled from smartthings.
- The remote and outlet will attempt to pair with each other when both are connected to smartthings - holding the pair button on the remote makes the light on the outlet change brightness - but the pairing does not succeed. I’ve tried various methods.
- Trying to pair a remote with the outlet that is not paired with smartthings doesn’t even do that.
Same thing for me. I got all my outlets paired and can control them from the smart things app and I was able to pair the on off buttons. It’s odd but i don’t actually need these on off buttons to control the outlets as i have other more automated plans for them. I would on the other hand like to create some other routines based on the button press. Has anyone found or is working on a device handler for the on off buttons?
I don’t think that’s going to be possible, for now at least. They don’t seem to communicate with the hub at all when the buttons are pressed - or when they aren’t for that matter.
I paired both outlet and remote separately. The remote sends a Ping to the hub when pressed. Wouldnt there be a way to use that so that the remote can be integrated?
Does it do that every time it’s pressed? because mine doesn’t. If it does it every time then that could well be a good start.
According to this:
Both the outlet and the button has a firmware upgrade available which updates them to “ZB 3.0”.
Could that be ZigBee 3.0 and could that make a difference?
I guess that means I’m going to finally have to buy a Tradfri Gateway to perform the updates.