IHome Device Name Keeps Changing on its own every time I turn it on

I bought a iHome iSP6X outlet and have it connected to a 12v power supply and 12v relay that I am using to activate my gate opener. I used CoRE to make a program that turns the switch off 3000ms after it is turned on because the gate opener just needs a momentary contact.
This all works fine, every time turn on the iHome iSP6X outlet in the app, it turns back off in 3 seconds. I changed the name and label of the outlet to Gate Opener. Now every time I turn on the switch in the app or tell google home “turn on the Gate Opener” it works, but then the name changes back to iHome iSP6X and if I tell google to turn on the Gate Opener again it says sommething like it can’t find the gate opener.
I’ve tried changing the name in both the app and in the IDE but it keeps switching back each time the switch is turned on one time.

Have you tried changing the name of the device in the iHome app?


Thank you. That fixed it, it just resets to the name in iHome each time it is activated.

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