I’m trying to put together a spreadsheet showing me what type of switches I have installed in what locations. The issue I’m running into is that the SmartThings IDE displays a product and a model, but not the actual model number Jasco uses. For example, I have lots of 14294 dimmers which I believe SmartThings lists as product Product 4944, Model 3038. Is there a chart somewhere that anyone has found to match all the different switches up?
Here’s what I have so far. Product/Model/Ver.
4944/3033/3.36 - 12729
4944/3038/5.26, 5.29 - GE 14294
4944/3131/5.22 - GE 14287
4944/3131/5.23 - Honeywell 39358 (Same as GE 14287)
4952/3032/3.29 - 12722 (Strange because I only ever ordered 14291 from Amazon)
4952/3036/5.20, 5.22 - GE 14291
Edited to add firmware versions for each
Edited to add updates as found in Zwave Alliance Catalog, Thanks JD
Those values come from the official Z wave alliance database when the device is approved. So you need to look them up there. They are not necessarily going to be the same as the model numbers when the device is sold at retail See the following post for an explanation of how smartthings displays them.
Note this:
All values except versions are hexidecimal strings
Thanks JD, I figured out how to use the Alliance Catalog and got what I needed. A little irritated that one of the “14291” switches I bought on Amazon was actually a “12722”.