My Hue(Connect) app stopped seeing my Hue Bridge a couple days ago and it can’t find it anymore. It has been working fine for months. I think it happened after I did a Z-Wave Repair but it could just be a coincidence.
The IP address of the Hue Bridge has not changed and it does have the latest firmware. I can control my 35+ Hue devices just fine through any other mean but ST.
I’ve tried uninstalling the Hue(Connect) app but I can’t and only get an error message both through the App (“NSURLErrorDomain error - 1005”) and the IDE (“No such property: id for class: org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.NamespacedTagDispatcher”).
Have you seen this before? How did you solved it?
I had this happen to me a couple of days ago when I updated the Hue bridge to the latest firmware. I’m working with SmartThings support right now (back and forth by e-mail), but don’t have a solution yet.
Others have seen this problem to, as indicated by this thread:
I was able to restore Hue connectivity today with the help of ST support. Unfortunately, it required removing all my apps that use Hue bulbs, removing the bulbs, and then the bridge and Hue (Connect) app, then re-adding them all. See the link to the thread that I posted earlier to get all the details. Hope it helps…
I’ve been able to make it work again, but not without pain… I’ve remove all my Hue devices, one by one with all their apps- and then I’ve be able to uninstall the Hue(Connect) app.
From there I have been able to re-install the Hue(Connect) app and it was able to see my Hue bridge again. That’s quite inconvenient, but it now all works as before…
My Hue Bridge went south 2 days ago but I know its because the IP address changed after a router reset… won’t let me remove it or Hue Connect from the App… have reached out to support but oh I hope I don’t need to remove all my Hue stuff again!
Hmmm, seems strange. What happens if you go through the app and do a config (gear thing) and click your way through the smartapp setup? Any events or logs in the IDE?
After setting the IP address back, you might need to to reboot your hub. I would also log out and back in to the mobile app and then check the hue connect app. @jonallsebrook
So after advice from support I took the plunge and deleted all Hue stuff including the numerous smart apps from the system. Re added the hub and all is well.
It’s actually not a bad thing as it’s got me to Spring clean my ST setup and tweak things!
I had exactly the same problem of my SmartThings Hub v2 not able to find my Hue Bridge anymore after I changed my router setup. I tried all solutions mentioned on the SmartThings support site but the Hue Bridge remained undiscoverable.
In my case, the steps below worked and allowed me to solve the problem without having to go through the dreaded procedure of deleting all my Hue devices and start over again. Hope it works for you as well.