Hub Firmware Release Notes - 17.12/17.13/17.14

Hi. This has been raised here as well.
If you don’t mind, could you upfdate with the result of the ticket either here or on the following thread.

Hi! Still sitting in 16.14. Did the reboot and no update yet. Any news when my hub will be updated? Thanks.

Are you looking in the IDE or the APP? My phone app is telling me I’m on 16.14 but the IDE says I’m on 17.12.

Good call @PhilB. App still saying 16.14, but indeed IDE shows 17.12. So interesting as I had no indication/notifications that the hub was being updated at any time in the last day.

ST Staff - will the App eventually report the correct firmware version?

Thanks all

Not ST Staff, but yes it will. This is all over this thread and for everyone it eventually did. I think you can…

Kill the app, restart…
Reboot the hub…
Do nothing, you are on the new version.

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Anyone else having a strange “Uptime” number? My hub has been sitting at 497 seconds since the firmware upgrade…and, yes, before you ask, it was previously incrementing normally.

Mine said 169 seconds for almost 24 hours, even though the version number updated to 17.12.

That’s a “feature” that needs to be fixed or changed to something like days instead of seconds. The message that triggers the uptime to be updated is not frequent enough, so you’ll see frequent weirdness like you’re seeing.

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My hub upgraded just fine to 17.2, but a day after the integration between ST and Google Home stopped working. Now since the outage yesterday I noticed today that my hub rolled back to 16.4. Its not longer on 17.2. Could be the integrwtion issue/outage the reason?

Jason, I think your issue is different (though possibly related) I see the buttons but only the update from repo seems to work correctly. Definitely love to hear what the resolution ends up being though, best of luck.

Is here any reason why after this update my hub is flooding my networking with http connection requests to IP all for port 8000? I don’t have a smart app installed that could be triggering it, already updated any others. It’s CRIPPING my network with anywhere from 800-900 active requests with many more shelves requests. Already tried powercycing it as well. is a class A reserved subnet…? I use a class C subnet so it doesn’t even match my current topology…? Any advice would be appreciated

None of the base software on the hub would be making those HTTP requests. However, installed SmartApps and DTHs have the ability to make HTTP requests on your behalf through the hub - I would suspect one of those. Are you able to grab a packet capture of the sent requests? It might help narrow down which SmartApp is misbehaving.

nastevens: your logic would be correct, only if I had smart apps installed. I have zero installed. I had suspected that it was a smartapp, therefore my first troubleshooting step was to uninstall/remove all smart apps…

Was that around 19:00 UTC that you removed the SmartApp? Looking at cloud logs, your hub was being rate limited because of a SmartApp hammering a device at until 19:00, then it goes to nothing. Are you still experiencing traffic being sent to or was that the fix?

Been gone for several days. Update occured while I was gone. 3 sensors were showong off line. Was told on this thread to turn off device status. So I did. It looked like all was ok. Got hone, opened some doors and app said all doors were closed. Turned device status back on and sure enuf 3 sensors were still offline. Had to totally remove, reset, and readd. This happened the day the update occured. Can’t believe this was just a coincidence. And I learned that without device status on you can’t trust the status.

The fine folks at ST upgraded my hub to 17.12 today and I can report that everything is running better than ever.

I will note that the more I dabble in IDE with DTHs and such, the more I really would like to have some sort of backup of at least my schema, automation rules, smart apps and DTHs. I haven’t even gone into the deep end of the ST’s pool yet and I already know that if I had to re-build all of this from scratch, I would be frustrated enough to consider other HA options. ST’s has been a very pleasant experience for me up to this point but I can definitely see a storm on the horizon should I ever lose my config.

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After HUB update on Friday i am having issues with motion, contact sensors and GE lights. Friday night alarm triggered 1 time and Last light Alarm triggered 3 times. when i checked it shows my motion sensor detected motion but device is not active for so on hours and again it detected motion from same device but now device is active. it is happening to my window and door sensors also. device is not active. i am removing my battery and putting it back then device comes back active. sometime it come back active by it own. GE Link bulbs are turning on by its own and turning off. some times i have light on for ever then i turn off the switch and turn it on and configure from add things then they start working again.

This happened since last hub update. i use to have issues but not this frequently. now in a day i can see this happening atleast 5 to 6 times.

Also my devices once battery reaches to 78% it stop working. battery is still good. i have to remove battery and put it back to make it work.

Hope they find out something.

Please reach out to SmartThings support if you haven’t already and let them know the problems you’re having. Device-related issues like these are tricky, and there’s a lot of experience on our support team dealing with these types of problems.

Yes… as stated in the first post. It’s that IP port 8000. All nodes in my network have a class c static ip. I have a Black holes DNS and proxy setup that’s currentky not allowing any trafffic routed to the network from leaving my firewall. I set these protocols in place after I watched a client and friends takeover and helped cleanup a botnet takeover of her home network. All data is passed trough my DNS and proxy to watch for activity that’s would appear malicious. It flagged my SmartThings hub and notified me at 19:00 that it noticed suspicious activity and was dropping anything blasted to the class A reserved. Network scans show no malware on any devices including SmartThings. Smart apps were uninstalled shortly after the update was received when I began having a high level of network latency shortly after the update yesterday evening. The hub is still trying to send notification updates to that up I’m about to just pull the.pkug and factory reset it.

Could you guys share your roadmap with us? Something as simple as a Trello board will suffice