Hub Firmware Beta 0.32.x

  • If you close and open the app, will the device states be updated?
  • What app version are you using?
  • I started an internal investigation into this
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I force closed the app and when I opened it again I saw it checking the offline devices. Most of them went online and the ones that did not (I have to check one by one) are either C2C, or actually offline. I’ll report back if not the case, but things appear to look normal.

EDIT: I am using ST app

Another thing I just noticed is that I have 3 or 4 instances of what I believe were failed attempts to add a window sensor that show offline in the app (correct) but either are not listed on the IDE or appeared as online. …and the IDE is currently not letting me see the Devices section so I can’t double check.

Sorry about that, you should have access to the beta now in Centercode.

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Just got my update an hour ago while being at work. So far so good. Everything looks ok in the IDE, and so far things in the app look good too, maybe a bit faster?

Just prior to the update, there were huge delays with commands from the app(android) and all devices appeared offline but were operational with varying delays. Also had groups showing the attached image. Before further investigation my hub has began updating
Hub was actually just offline, still old firmware apparently, not updated here yet.

I have a large number of devices offline even after a force stop. Device control seems to be failing as well.

Support just sent email about devices not operating properly yata yata yata!

Darn, did I break it again??? :wink:

We can’t take you anywhere!

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So my API integration is borked too.

3:03:33 AM : In: SendRequest(, {‘commands’: [{‘component’ : ‘main’,‘capability’: ‘execute’,‘command’: ‘execute’,‘arguments’: [’{“StatusSTS”:{“Time”:“2020-09-01T03:00:54”,“Uptime”:“28T07:04:26”,“UptimeSec”:2444666,“Heap”:27,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:19,“MqttCount”:20,“POWER1”:“OFF”,“POWER2”:“OFF”,“POWER3”:“OFF”,“POWER4”:“OFF”,“POWER5”:“OFF”,“POWER6”:“OFF”,“Wifi”:{“AP”:2,“SSId”:“dameron_smart”,“BSSId”:“1A:E8:29:A4:D1:31”,“Channel”:10,“RSSI”:74,“Signal”:-63,“LinkCount”:5,“Downtime”:“0T00:00:26”}}}’]}]}
3:03:37 AM : SendRequest(): Error sending []
3:03:37 AM : SendRequest(): The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

I’m having a lot of very slow responses too. Delay form 5-10 seconds from opening a door to turning the light on. This is the same though the Samsung smart lighting smartapp as well as webcore.

The current outage is probably making is hard to tell if its a cloud issue or hub firmware update issue

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Things are clearing up for me now. I’m guessing it was the cloud issue. My API integration is working again. I had to restart my custom service so that it could “catch up”. I was getting messages over an hour old showing up in the IDE logging.

Should this show up in the IDE yet? Or is there a corresponding Graph update needed?

The data is currently sent every 24 hours, you can always trigger a network repair to push the latest data.

I am seeing massive delays since the update.

I have an automation that uses my Samsung phone as a presence sensor, which switches off the security when I get home but today it only switch off 5 minutes after arriving home

I awoke today to find my hub offline.
Led is blue and ide shows last activity about 30 minutes ago.
Last ping from hub 10:32:55.420Z

We are looking at this issue, Thanks for reporting it.

Thanks for the reply. A hub reset (power cycle) brought it back online shortly after my post.

So I’m seeing one potential issue. I paired a lock, removed the battery for the last 24 hours.

I opened the new ST app, it showed offline (initially atleast). I dragged the lock to a different room and now it shows online. When I look at the IDE events it’s showing the last event received was 21 hours ago. The IDE is also showing it as online.


  • Received Messages From Device: 8
  • Received Messages From Device (Duplicates): 0
  • Messages Transmitted to Device: 26
  • Messages Transmitted to Device (Failures): 0
  • Updated Time: 2020-09-01 2:23 PM EDT

How long does the controller take to update the device status?

All my devices (ZigBee and Z-Wave) are showing online, even through some of them haven’t had a battery in it for months now.

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