It was offline all day, and I did a Replace to get it to rejoin. It did for just a brief moment, and it was very slow to respond, but now it’s nor responding, and I suspect it will go offline in 30 minutes.
Here’s what I see in the event log when trying to replace:
If you are replacing the device, you probably would want to factory reset the device first (so it is removed from the network) and then try to replace it.
First thing it does, it checks to see if that device is responding, and if it is not, the next thing it ends up doing checks to see if there is any device that can be included, so if the device was not excluded or not factory reset, you cannot really replace it.
EDIT : this is one way of getting me to replace my zwave devices with zigbee! The GE equivalent switch is really very good and fast, and I’ll be replacing this dimmer with a zigbee dimmer tomorrow.
( - Making SmartThings Easy!)
Interesting your prod model all show 0000. @Kianoosh_Karami FMR why/when does this happen? I’ve seen this a few times before also but didn’t know why it happens.
( - Making SmartThings Easy!)
Can you elaborate on this? Which button are you referring to?
I believe all the zeros are due to the hub missing the node information frame. I have a few Aeon recessed door sensors that will not include properly due to that and their raw description is like that.
I continue to have similar problems with the zwave include sometimes not getting mfr and prod data during inclusion. I have updated BUG-0044 with testing from today with 0.25.20 which shows the same inconsistent results as before.
in 25.19 and older releases, Network wide inclusion was off. In this this release. we enabled it to match the previous production releases, we figured that maybe having Network wide inclusion could be the source of some of the issues, so we went ahead and experimented and we did not find any conclusive evidence that having NWI off was producing better results.